What’s Unique in this Plant: Bright red to purple-brown tubular flowers resemble lipstick, hence the name. How to Grow This: Check out this article on how to grow a lipstick plant. 6. Resurrection Plant Botanical Name: Selaginella lepidophylla What’s Unique in this Plant: This plant ...
Brown Leaf Tips Plants need differing amounts of water. When the leaf tips of an otherwise healthy plant turn an ugly brown, this can be caused by too much water or not enough. If the plant is being watered too frequently, excess water can pool on the ends of the leaves, causing them...
If you notice brown margins on the leaves soon after feeding, you have likely fertilized too much. Flush the soil with distilled water until it runs clear and hold off on fertilizing for the next few months to give the roots time to recover. ...
18 most beautiful & easy to grow indoor plants. Best houseplants with showy foliage & flowers, plus gardening tips for low light conditions.
Trying to discern indoor plant maladies can be a challenge, especially when it comes to discolored leaves. Sometimes the problem is environmental, sometimes not. Preventive care is usually your best bet when it comes to damaged foliage. A number of factors can cause black leaf tips. ...
If you notice brown edges on the leaves, it’s a sign that your plants don’t have enough humidity. Another way to increase humidity is to place your plant pots on a tray of pebbles with a small amount of water under them (making sure to keep the water under the top of the pebbles...
Brown leaf tips: This is often a sign of underwatering or using water that is too hard. Check your watering routine and consider using distilled water or allowing tap water to sit for 24 hours before using it. Yellowing leaves: This can be caused by overwatering or exposure to direct sun...
Brown leaf tipsare commonly caused by excessive direct sunlight, over-fertilization, lack of water, and/or low humidity. Keeping the plant on a tray of moistened gravel or misting the leaves can help to increase humidity. Yellow leavesmay be caused by overwatering, underwatering, or old age...
Plants form a basal rosette with long, rigid leaves with pointy tips and serrated edges. They flower from mid-summer until early fall. The flowers form on tall spikes that rise several feet taller than the basal leaves. While the flowers are not particularly showy, they add a unique element...
Check routinely for aphid eggs (tiny spherical white/brown/yellow bean shapes on leaf undersides and the soil). Solution Directly spray pests and both leaf sides with neem oil (I use and recommendthis one) or a solution of water mixed with 8 drops of dish soap. This should deterprimary ...