Hyssop; the name hyssop can be traced back almost unchanged through the Greek hyssopus and Hebrew esov, meaning "holy herb". Because common Hyssop (Hyssop officinalis) is not native to the Mediterranean area, much debate has ensued over which plant was referred to as Hyssop. The Hebrew name...
Many folklore traditions link the plant with sexual behavior. In the biblical book of Genesis, for example, Jacob's wife, Leah, obtains mandrake root to become pregnant. The Arabs called the plant devil's apples because they considered the arousal of sexual desire to be evil. Medieval ...
"Christ's Crown of Thorns", Euphorbia MilliiDes Moul., familiar to Europe and U.S.A. in the present day, has nothing to do with the Biblical crown of thorns. It is a native of Madagascar and was completely unknown in Jesus' day. ...
This phrase also foreshadows the importance of trees and fruit in biblical narratives, such as the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in Genesis 2. And God saw that it was good:This declaration of goodness reflects God's satisfaction with His creation. It ...
The name is derived from the Greek phrase meaning “recent life.” The Cenozoic era is divided into three periods: Paleogene period (65-23 million years ago), which consists of the Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene epochs); Neogene period (23-2.6 million years ago), which includes the Miocene...
The art of the Achaemenid Empire flourished in Ancient Persia from the 6th to 4th centuries BCE, and featured stone-carved monumental structures adorned with recurring zoological and floral patterns. Such representations clearly had a symbolic meaning intimately connected to religious expression and the ...
Fruits / pods: Fruits 1-2 on jointed stalks, ovoid, flattened and beaked 2-4 mm long; seed smooth with gentle swellings Distribution: Neot Kedumim, the Biblical Landscape Reserve Chorotype: Saharo-Arabian - Sudanian Location: Neot Kedumim Derivation of the botanical name: Commiphora, Greek...