②:mustache - Zombies with womb brooms 僵尸戴上两撇胡子 ③:trickedout - Alternate Lawn Mower appearance 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机 ④:sukhbir - toggles the zombie's call for brains-sound 切换僵尸呼唤大脑时的叫声 要智慧树有一定高度 ①:(100inch)daisies - Zombies leave small daisies behind when...
2、mustache,僵尸长出胡子 3、trickedout,进化剪草机,这个超酷 4、daisies,僵尸死后留下一朵菊花 5、pinata,僵尸死活散落一堆糖果 6、sukhbir,切换僵尸呼唤大脑时的叫声 7、dance,让僵尸摆动身体跳舞 (其中菊花,糖果,僵尸跳舞需智慧树到达一定高度) 植物大战僵尸英文版游戏优势 ...
MustacheZombies Now Have Mustaches Contributed by:NTtL, RayQATester, GreatSkeeve, BBlevins Steam Achievements The following achievements can be unlocked by completeing the task listed for them AchievementAchievement Enable Mustache ModeAsk Me About Mustache Mode ...
4.Just because you have nuts does not mean you have to use them. This is where "Nerves of Steel" comes into play. When there are a few zombies ambling down the lawn without a clear ricochet shot, wait a little bit to see if more of their friends will step out to play. They can ...
1.future - Futuristic sunglasses for zombies 僵尸戴上时尚太阳眼镜 2.mustache - Zombies with womb brooms 僵尸戴上两撇胡子 3.trickedout - Alternate Lawn Mower appearance 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机 4.daisies - Zombies leave small daisies behind when killed 当僵尸被杀后掉下一些雏菊 5.pinata - a ...
plants vs zombies作弊码及效果【作弊码及效果】 在游戏过程中输入下面的代码以启动作弊效果,再输入一遍则禁用。 daisies –僵尸死后被葬掉(你需要有一个至少100英尺高的智慧树才能使用这个代码) dance –让僵尸跳舞 future –让僵尸有未来色调 Mustache –僵尸长大胡子 pinata –僵尸死时引起雨点般的糖果 sukhbir ...
在游戏中入下代以启动作弊效果再入一则。daisies-僵尸死后掉你有一个少100尺智慧树才使个代dance-僵尸ftiture-您尸有未来 Mustache-僵尸大子pinata-僵尸死时引点果sukhbir-激活偏尸呼喊大声trickedout-交替割机外 【】 如何 Spudow!Spudow!使一个土地炸毁一个僵尸 ...
Mustache, will give the zombies mustaches. Pinata, will show an explosion of sweets when a zombie dies! Special Requirements: Pleasecorrect this Eggif you see errors. Send us yours Comments Related Pages All Plants vs. Zombies Easter Eggs ...
mustache- zombies grow a 'stache. pinata- zombies cause a shower of candy when they die. (Your tree of wisdom needs to be 1000 feet tall for this to work.) trickedout- for tricked out lawnmowers. sukhbir- activates zombie "THEIR BRAIIINS" call. ...
Bowl over 5 zombies with a single Wall-Nut/用一个坚果保龄球打到5只僵尸 在坚果保龄球2里完成比较容易,僵尸数量教多,不过需要注意的是用红色坚果和巨型坚果打5只僵尸是无法达成成就的。 Grounded Defeat a normal roof level without using any catapult plants/不使用投手类植物完成一关屋顶模式 ...