Plants vs. Zombies™ 2 檢視 雖然聽起來有點荒唐,但在備受喜愛的人氣續作《Plants vs. Zombies™ 2》裡,你和古怪鄰居一同展開時空旅行,只為了再吃一次超美味的墨西哥夾餅。 不過與此同時,你也捲入了殭屍和植物之間的大戰。這款遊戲因持續更新而得以常保新鮮,以下就來看看它令人流連忘返的無邊魅力。
The zombies in this mini game are shrunken. All of the zombies are mini-zombies! But what they lack in size they make up for in numbers. You'll have to fend off a ton of these little guys. We are given the plants by a conveyor belt at the left of the screen. We'll have differ...
Play the award-winning hit action-strategy adventure where you meet, greet, and defeat legions of hilarious zombies from the dawn of time, to the end of days. A…
由《植物大戰殭屍 2》 和《植物大戰殭屍:花園戰爭 2》 開發團隊帶來的又一場植物與殭屍之間的史詩戰鬥 –《植物大戰殭屍:英雄》 。 在這款英勇的卡牌收集遊戲裡組織您的英雄隊伍。 踏上發現新角色的旅程,並沿路迎戰強敵。 還有首次在行動裝置上化身為植物或殭屍。 全新的草坪戰爭已然展開!
I’ve also dabbled in Plants vs. Zombies Adventures on Facebook, but I have to say that the Farmville aspects and general social/free to play features make that far less appealing than the original – I just want to play the game, as much as I want, without having to farm/mine in ...
Apple Mortar Apple Mortars lob apple cores that damage and briefly stun zombies over three lanes. Apple Mortar stuns three zombies dead in their tracks. SPAF! That'll show 'em! That'll show ALL of them! Banana Launcher Banana Launchers can fire explosive bananas at any tile on the lawn...
Learn how to link your Plants vs. Zombies 2 (PvZ 2) account on iOS and Android to save your progress.EA Account iOS Android Multiple devices When you link your account, your progress is always saved no matter where you’re playing. As an extra bonus for linking, you’...
Si vous liez PvZ 2 à plusieurs comptes iCloud ou Google, votre progression dans le jeu et vos données de profil sont synchronisées. Cela signifie que le nouveau compte disposera d’un accès permanent à votre profil et que vous risquerez de supprimer accidentellement votre jeu. ...
Doing this will reset your Apple ID information. NOTE: If you have installed apps using multiple Apple ID accounts, you may need to perform this step for each account. Reinstall the app This step may cause game progress to be lost. However, you can take steps to help reduce the chances ...
看不懂英文的,不怕虐的,不差钱的,请玩中国版: 是时候了!《植物大战僵尸2——奇妙时空之旅》登陆中国,植物们与僵尸们史诗般的斗争,将在不同的时空维度中进行续写!新的植物,新的僵尸,新的玩法,结合最先进的触摸屏技术,玩家可以...