So while we try and make it through another 'sweltering' summer in East Texas, at least our lawns will look great! Happy Gardening!
Bull sharks have that "signature" shark look that can be so intimidating and yet also so adorable. Bull sharksare making an incredible comeback around Texas shores, as rising temperatures have actually expanded their habitat. Bull sharks are unique in that they can thrive in both fresh and sal...
They thrive with humidity, sandy soils, and over six hours of direct sunlight. Coconut palms grow in Florida, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and south Texas, although they may struggle in Southern California’s dry, hot summers. Pacific Wax Myrtle These plants form dense bushes that can be great as...
Above all, the most important considerations are sun exposure and the way your window box faces. The leaves of shade-lovers will get scorched in the high light levels of a south or west-facing wall; plants that thrive in full sun will grow tall and leggy in a northern exposure. Window B...
In the US, the plant species thrive in Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, and Florida. Air plants rely on trees for daily sustenance. During the air plant life cycle, they only bloom only once. The blooming period is known as a bloom spike. Some bloom spikes last for a few months, while ...
How to grow Texas Bluebonnet flowers. Growing Annual Texas Bluebonnet plants in your garden, from seed to bloom. Grow with The Gardener's Net.
If you have fleas, then you have a real concern for wanting to get rid of fleas naturally. You can grow several varieties of plants that will help deter fleas from your yard and home. Texas A&M University also recommends giving your dog or cat a good bat
are there any plants that cause allergies producing today The Texas hills, the mountains of Oklahoma, and some of the Ozarks are home to many mountain cedars and a variety of juniper trees. The tree spreads rapidly because it produces a lot of pollen. In Texas, in particular, there is a...
Fortunately, there are a number of areas around the United States where carnivorous plant habitats are protected and thriving. We tracked down five, from North Carolina to Texas, where visitors can see these plants in action. Big Thicket National Preserve (Kountze, Texas) ...
That being said, plant it away from your home and other buildings. It is native to central and eastern North America. Grow holly in full sun or partial shade with moist, well-drained soil. American holly is a great plant for birds and other wildlife. Because these trees are evergreen, ...