Above all, the most important considerations are sun exposure and the way your window box faces. The leaves of shade-lovers will get scorched in the high light levels of a south or west-facing wall; plants that thrive in full sun will grow tall and leggy in a northern exposure. Window B...
Ferns and other non-flowering vascular plants (fern allies) are mostly shade loving perennials that look great in a woodland garden. Ferns for shade are perfect companions to hostas, and most hardy fern plants and fern allies are deer-resistant and thrive with consistent moisture. But j...
In our Alabama test garden, where conditions are ideal and the growing season is long, we harvest an average of 300 tomatoes from each Early Girl plant! Many gardeners plant it again late in the summer so that it will produce a huge fresh crop of "fall tomatoes" quickly before frost....
What’s lovely about rhubarb is that it’s a perennial:A healthy plant will remain productive for 10 years or more. For that reason, rhubarb should be planted in its own space in any corner of the garden where it can grow undisturbed. Rhubarb grows well in soil amended with plenty of ...
Buying bamboo plants can be a tricky process. There are hundreds of different species available throughout the world. First, you must determine whether you need arunning of clumpingbamboo. Next, you will have to find the variety ofbamboo that will thrive in your climate. Check out ourbamboo ...
Work supported by the grant has already begun. Chattahoochee Nature Center, co-coordinator for the project in northwest Georgia, has collected tissue samples from Morefield’s leatherflower and Alabama leatherflower. In Georgia, the species are known from only one site each. Sampled plants h...
Herbs have been employed in ethnomedicine to take care of ailments via traditional practices. The taste of the herbs as an ethnopharmacological descriptor is one of the factors used to determine their therapeutic potential [1]. It is estimated that majority of the population use herbal products eit...
Blueberry bushes are not only attractive plants for your landscape, but they also produce thousands of edible berry-like fruits that you can eat fresh or use in making jams, syrups, pies, pancakes, muffins and other baked goods. Blueberries are native to
perhaps they will consider hiring people who live further away, acknowledging the ability to work offsite some days a week or a week on site and a week at home. I did this with a very experienced engineer, flying him in from Alabama to Houston Monday-to-Thursday every other week. I tho...
Give camellia bushes moist, rich, acidic soil that drains easily. Test your pH before planting to see if you need to add elemental sulfur to increase the acidity. Camellias can also thrive in large containers with good drainage. Use ericaceous compost, an acidic compost for plants that don’...