Witch hazel, a common shrub in North America, was used by tribes such as the Cherokee for its astringent properties. The bark and leaves were boiled into a liquid that was applied to bruises, inflammations, and tumors. It was also used to soothe sore muscles and reduce swelling from insect...
Included is a discussion of the presence of albumins Naskapi and Mexico in Native Americans, the pharmacological activity of coumarins, their distribution in the plant kingdom, and the use of such plants for food, medicine, and personal care by American Indians of the Southwest, with special ...
Nuts remain prominent in late eighteenth-century accounts of southeastern Native American diet (e.g., Harper 1958:25; Williams 1930:439). Furthermore, nutshell is very common in the Eastern Woodlands archaeological record, and archaeologists have long considered that gathering nuts was an important ...
Wild false indigo (Baptisia) can be used for a natural blue dye, but was traditionally applied by Native American tribes as an emetic, purgative, and a poultice to help with inflammation. Join in the fun of mixing in edibles in your garden as you continue to support the use of native ...
Since they aren't "native" plants, you are essentially destroying the environment by harboring rogue plants that are sapping the life out of everything around them. You have both a civic and even a moral duty to quickly right your wrongs by yanking out all of your ornamental landscape and ...
bright yellow-orange to fire-engine red, daisy-like blooms that contrast well against its dark green and burgundy flushed foliage. Non-stop flowering will keep the bees and butterflies busy all summer long. Grows 18 inches high and wide. Happy in well-drained, average soil. Use in front of...
The course will then moveinto how plants play a role people’s daily existence throughout the world.Some of the topics that we will address include:genetically modified foods, ornamentals, gardens, invasive exotics, agriculture, spiritualplant use,medicinal plants,alternative fuels,Non-TimberForest ...
Edible and Useful Plants of California (California Natural History Guide) by Charlotte Bringle Clarke is a fun and easy to use guide that covers more than 220 plant species-for food, fibers, medicine, tools, and other purposes. It also tells how to prepare, cook, and otherwise use them. ...
The Manis Mastodon - A newly analysed mastodon rib bone shows that Native Americans were using bone-pointed weapons to take down big game nearly a thousand years earlier than thought, according to a new study. Images of the rib show a broken bone projectile point still stuck where a hunter ...
The Stems– We do not think it is fair that the old trees be cut down for the paper. Especially when you can make a paper just as good from the woody stems of the sunflower, this means we can leave the trees to grow and use the wood of the sunflower, which grows and dies every...