Plants that live in the rainforest have adapted in amazing ways to several very difficult conditions. This means that the plant has changed something in its “body” or “habits” to make it easier to survive in difficult conditions. There are several conditions they have had to adapt to. ...
Plants that live in the rainforest have adapted in amazing ways to several very difficult conditions. This means that the plant has changed something in its "body" or "habits" to make it easier to survive in difficult conditions. There are several conditions they have had to adapt to. First...
翻译:植物被加以改造能够适应由昆虫来施肥的情况 adapt for 基本翻译 调整,使适合于;为…改编 网络释义 adapt for:调整 | 调剂 | 使适合于 be adapted for 是adapt for 的被动语态
It's a type of insurance that protects the annual plants from a season of poor growing conditions, of unfavorable weather. 1.What is the lecture mainly about? A. The growth rates of plants in different geographical regions B. Different ways that plants have adapted to desert environments ...
Plants that live in the rainforest have adapted in amazing ways to several very difficultconditions.This means that the plant has changed something in its “body" or “habits" to make iteasier to survive in difficult conditions.There are several conditions they have had to adaptto.First, the...
Plants have adapted to this problemve very largeleaves . T he large leaf is helpful because it hassurface area a leafhas,the more sunlight it can absorb . T he canopyfeet tall so thattheir leaves can grab all available sunlight . Otheody vines) haveadapted by rooting themselves in the ...
Despite these conditions, however, many varieties of plants and animals have adapted to deserts in a number of ways. Most plant tissues die if their water content falls too low: the nutrients that feed plants are transmitted by water; water is a raw material in the vital process of ...
What Farrant and others have found over the past two decades is that there are many genes involved in resurrection plants' response to dryness. Many of them are .the same that regulate how seeds become dryness-tolerant while still attached to their parent plants. Now they are trying to ...
While all plants can provide shelter and some food, plants that are indigenous to a particular region have developed symbiotic relationships with wildlife for thousands of years. Native plants have adapted and evolved alongside local insect, bird, reptile, waterfowl, and mammal populations. They provi...
Plants that live in the rainforest have adapted in amazing ways to several very difficult conditions. This means that the plant has changed something in its“body”or “habits”to make it easier to survive in difficult conditions. There are several conditions they have had to adapted to. First...