This arises mostly because plants growing in favorable environments grow taller and thus disperse their seeds over longer distances. We postulate that the positive relationship between seed production and dispersal may reduce the concentration of each species to the environments favorable for it, thus ...
Plants can't move like animals: an individual plant can't fly, run or swim into habitat that suits them more. But they can disperse (传播) their seeds a long way, and with a helping hand from animals or wind, their pollen (花粉) can fly great distances too. So, does this ability ...
But they can disperse (传播) their seeds a long way, and with animals or wind, their pollen (花粉) can fly. So, does this mean that plants can avoid their survival through climate change as their seeds or wind - distant pollen can fly?A study by Australian researchers at the University...
What is the term for plants that produce seeds but no flowers like pine trees? What do we call plants whose fruits split open when ripe to disperse seeds, such as peas, beans, peanuts, and magnolias? What are the two major types of seed plants? Briefly describe these two cat...
Mulberry trees are well-known ornamental trees that are frequently placed alongside streets. Mulberries are also naturally edible. Mulberries produce flowers and fruit, and the pollen from the blossoms is very allergic and dispersed by the wind. So, you need to avoid this tree while gardening if...
Why are metamorphic rocks that are formed by contact metamorphism less dense? How do plants control tropisms? How does water cycle through plants? How are water lily seeds dispersed? Why does water frozen in the cracks of a rock help to break down the rock?
plant species must spread their offspring to suitable areas where they can grow and pass on their parents'genes.Young animals generally spread by walking or flying.Because plants don't have that ability,they must somehow hitchhike(搭车).Some plant seeds scatter by blowing in the wind or ...
Plants can't move like animals: an individual plant can'tfly, run or swim into habitat that suits them more. Butthey can disperse (传播) ther seeds a long way, and with a helping hand from animals or wind,their pollen (花粉) canfly great distances too. So, does this ability to move...
and a mechanism to maintain dormancy for tens or even thousands of years, ensuring that germination can occur when growth conditions are optimal. Seeds therefore allow plants to disperse the next generation through both space and time. With such evolutionary advantages, seed plants have become the ...
Roughly one-fourth of alpine plant species are wind pollinated (such as Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Polygonaceae). Current evidence suggests that outbreeding is the dominant form of sexual reproduction, but most alpine plants can also self (which secures some seed production if pollen transfer fails ...