The receptacle (2) is designed in the form of a structural element and, by stacking a number of the latter one on top of the other, is suitable for erecting a masonry wall. Passage-openings (19; 15) in the side walls (9) and in the base (11) of the plant trough (14) permit ...
Galvanized livestock troughs make great planting beds If you are eager to start a new vegetable garden this spring, but you don’t want to fuss with removing sod, building fancy wooden rai...
Apart from the climate, a significant factor behind cheatgrass’s establishment in the Intermountain West are all the cows. For a number of reasons, the Great Basin isn’t really suitable for largescale farming operations, but livestock grazing is another story. Many of the animals native to ...
Analysis of Advanced Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycles for Concentrated Solar Power Applications Solar power tower technology can achieve higher temperatures than the most common commercial technology using parabolic troughs. In order to take advantage... SM Besarati - Dissertations & Theses - Gr...
Nutrient solutions made with special fertilizers are either applied on the surface or are pumped up from below through the aggregate which in this case must be in waterproof troughs. This is known as soilless culture (hydroponics). Feedingthrough the leafIt is not only roots which can absorb ...
autumn sampling corresponds to population troughs at the end of the summer/autumn non-cropping period, when host plants and the insect are often locally rare. Several locations were sampled in both years to allow temporal comparisons. At each location,\(\geqslant\)25 individuals were collected ...
Direct steam generation (DSG) in parabolic-trough solar collectors (PTC) is a promising technology for producing electricity by means of concentrated solar thermal energy [1]. Comparing with oil-based PTC technology, DSG process can significantly reduce the cost of electricity produced by solar ther...
Solar thermal energy (STE) power plants concentrate the solar light in high temperature receivers for generation of electrical power or process heat. Different mirror designs to concentrate solar light are used: flat plane mirrors, parabolic dishes and parabolic curved troughs are the most common des...
The power output of such plants is directly related to the product of the flow rate of water, measured in cubic meters per second, the distance through which this water falls, measured by the head in meters, and a suitable constant. The essential elements of the hydroelectric plant thus ...
In March 2008, NextEra Energy Resources filed an application to build the Beacon project on 2,012 acres of former farmland in California’s Kern County. Long rows of mirrored parabolic troughs will focus sunlight on liquid-filled tubes to create steam that drives an electricity-generating turbine...