Theemergent layeris the very top layer of the rainforest. This layer consists of the enormous trees and plants that live in rainforests that extend above all other plants in the area. They extend up and reach the direct sunlight. Their mushroom shaped tops block almost all sunlight from filte...
Other plants have adapted by rooting themselves in the soil of the forest floor and growing up the trees until they reach the canopy layer. Still other plants, such as epiphytes (附生植物). have adapted by growing directly on the trees'trunks and branches in the canopy and understory layers...
represented by different layers. These layers include the ground layer, the shrub and sapling layer, the closed canopy and the emergent layer at the highest point in the rainforest. The emergent layer is home to unique plants
vines) have adapted by rooting themselves in the soil of the forest floor and growing up the trees until they reach the canopy layer.Still other plants,such as epiphytes,have adapted by growing directly on the trees’ trunks and branches in the canopy and understory layers of the rainforest...
the rainforest,are under Alevel state (6) protection(protect) in China.They mainly feed (7) on understory (下层) plants such as wild bananas.They can (8) be replaced (replace) by numerous nonedible woody plants (9) gradually(gradual) that facilitate forest expansion,said...
We simulated drought using a rainfall exclusion experiment in 0.4ha of lowland tropical rainforest in northeast Australia in 2015. After six months, we compared the average change in aboveground biomass and plant health of drought-affected tree saplings and understory shrubs with control individuals....
the trees' trunks and branches in the canopy and understory layers of the rainforest. An adaptation to the large amounts of rainfall that many rainforest plants have is called "drip tips". Their leaves are tapered (逐渐变细) to a sharp point at the end. This allows water to run off ...
Already registered?Log in here for access Name the tropical rainforest plant: Vanilla Orchid,Vanilla pompona. Got it Missed it Name the rainforest plant: Parakeet Heliconia,Heliconia psittacorum. Got it Missed it Name the tropical rainforest plant: ...
unti they reach the canopy layer.Sill other plants, such as epiphytes, have adaptedby growing directly on the trees'trunks and branches in the canopy and understory layers of therainforest.An adaptation to the large amounts of rainfall that many rainforest plants have is called “driptips"....
Layers of the Rainforest Rainforest producers occur in layers: the emergent layer, canopy layer (sometimes divided into the upper and lower canopies), understory and shrub/herb layer. Emergent Layer Rainforest trees that grow up to 200 feet tall form the emergent layer. Trees in the emergent ...