Rose plants are generally used for beautifying the gardens and walkways more.. Marigold Among all the major plants of India, Marigold is the most identical. The Marigold Flower holds the great religious significance. The Marigold flower is offered to God and Goddess in India. It is also used...
HomegardenIndigenousEthnomedicinalPlant diversityUtilizationHomegardens are a traditional human-made microenvironment, socioeconomically connected to people's long-term survival. In India's sub-Himalayan region, studies have been conducted on many aspects of homegardening systems. However, little has been ...
If you prefer to give someone roses, you can go with the rose plant in a jute bag, which can be delivered on the same day. Show more FAQs for Flowering Plants Online What are the best flowering plants to buy online for home and garden? The best flowering plants for your home and...
Home garden is identified as a kind of small-scale land-use system which is used to manage and cultivate useful plants by local people, and home gardens can provide various plant products and services. Investigating home gardens was regarded as an effect
Objective: The present communication attempted to study the diversity and uses of medicinal plants growing in the homegardens of upper Assam. Methods: Information regarding medicinal uses of homegarden plants was collected through direct field surveys and interactive questionnaires with the owners or trad...
Over 800 plant species are utilized in Ethiopia for treating diverse ailments. TMPs use is common in both rural and urban areas, with people seeking these remedies alongside modern healthcare. Nearly 80% of the Ethiopian population depends on home remedies, and a significant majority of about 95...
Home Used With Flower/Green Plant Material Metal. Finishing As Shown Other attributes Design Style Modern Luxury Place of Origin Uttar Pradesh, India Brand Name AW Model Number MBD-23292 (18) Type Home/Garden Decoration Product Name Metal Planter Material Metal Usage Home Garden Decoration Color...
"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."- Audery Hepburn Are you looking for plants gifts to yourself or your loved one? Then we would like to introduce you to our segment dedicated to your little nature friends. We have different varieties for your home and office. You can sele...
Diversity of Medicinal Plants and Their Uses in Homegardens of Upper Assam, Northeast India.Objective: The present communication attempted to study the diversity and uses of medicinal plants growing in the homegardens of upper Assam. Methods: Information regarding medicinal uses of homegarden plants ...
Plantlane is the largest online garden store to buy plants, pots, garden tools, seeds, fertilizer, irrigation equipment, garden lights & garden supplies at best price in India.