Climate anomalies provide opportunities for large-scale mapping of non-native plant abundance in desert grasslands of South African Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees (Lehmann lovegrass), a highly invasive, non-native plant in the desert grasslands of southwestern North America... CY Huang,EL Geiger - 《...
Climate change, particularly increased aridity, poses a significant threat to plants and the biotic communities they support. Dioecious species may be especially vulnerable to climate change given that they often exhibit spatial segregation of the sexes, reinforced by physiological and morphological specia...
Climate change, particularly increased aridity, poses a significant threat to plants and the biotic communities they support. Dioecious species may be especially vulnerable to climate change given that they often exhibit spatial segregation of the sexes, reinforced by physiological and morphological specia...
It is felt that the results of this study support the idea that the four design principles do in fact influence preference in plantings that do well in arid climate environment.Cermak, Otto WayneCermak, Otto WayneThe University of Arizona....
While it is limited by the tendency to exclude the views and work of others in the field (the absence from this volume of Philip Wells, whose methods and interpretations have often differed dramatically from the Arizona school, is a case in point), the stimulation group members get from ...
Tucson: University of Arizona Press; 1990. Google Scholar Xu J, Ma ET, Tashi D, Fu Y, Lu Z, Melick D. Integrating sacred knowledge for conservation: cultures and landscapes in southwest China. Ecol Soc. 2005;10(2):7. Article Google Scholar Pei SJ, Huai HY. Ethnobotany. Shanghai:...
Climatic niches are essential in determining where species can occur and how they will respond to climate change. However, it remains unclear if climatic-niche evolution is similar in plants and animals or is intrinsically different. For example, previou
Climate zones can be very helpful in deciding which plants are suited for your landscape. Sunset Magazine describes five climatic zones in Arizona (also available in Cooperative Extension publication AZ1169: Arizona Plant Climate Zones). The US Depart- ment of Agriculture publishes a cold hardiness ...
E. 1942. Physiological studies of yield, quality and maturity of Marsh grapefruit in Arizona. Arizona Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull.97: 1–48. Google Scholar Materna, J., undR. Kohout. 1964. Die Ausnutzung des Kohlenstoffes aus Na2CO3 in Assimilationsorganen der Holzarten. ...
But there are so many plants well adapted to our climate that almost any garden style can be created, maybe with the exceptions of tropical rain forest but even that look can be had with plants that only take a gentle sip.To merely ask the question "is it a native California plant?" ...