The concept of a “food forest” is great way to think about which permaculture plants to use and where to put them to create a symbiotic system that, in time, will require very minimal maintenance and will produce food for humans, insects, and wildlife. Take a look at the conceptual dra...
Flowering plants are a major component of the biosphere providing food and habitats for terrestrial animals1. They have adapted to and diversified in a wide variety of environments2,3. Understanding the evolutionary processes underlying the global spatiotemporal patterns of flowering plant diversity has ...
Flowering plants are a major component of the biosphere providing food and habitats for terrestrial animals1. They have adapted to and diversified in a wide variety of environments2,3. Understanding the evolutionary processes underlying the global spatiotemporal patterns of flowering plant diversity has ...
LASER-wikipedia2 The plant grew wild in many parts of Africa and elsewhere, and held considerable promise as a source of energy for the future 这种植物在非洲许多地方及其他地区生长极快,未来用作能源的潜力巨大。 MultiUn The plant grew wild in many parts of Africa and elsewhere, and held...
s history of a migration of plants and their pathogens that was not driven by migrating people searching for new agricultural land, but by the discovery of new lands by individual parties resulting in the subsequent colonization of newly discovered lands and in overseas trade. Later, it was ...
LASER-wikipedia2 Owing to environmental concerns and higher costs for access to natural forests, planted forests are becoming more viable as an alternative or complementary source of wood fibre. 环境方面的关注以及砍伐自然林生产木材的成本较高,使人造林越发成为木材的另类或补充性来源。 UN-2 Owing...
These molecular fingerprints were used to measure the structural similarity for all the metabolite pairs. Figure 1(a) illustrates the binary plant-metabolite relations and corresponding molecular fingerprints. Figure 1 (a) Open in figure viewerPowerPoint (a) Bipartite graph of plant-metabolite ...
For example, in maize, a dwarf phenotype can be defined as a composite of the phenes ‘reduced internode length’ and ‘compact, broad leaves’. Phenes relate to ‘phenomes’ in the way that genes relate to genomes: an organism’s or species’ phenome is composed of the complete set of...
A.The plants barely grew without radiation.B.The plants didn’t grow fast enough.C.The plants looked much stronger.D.Not all the seeds grew in lunar dirt.【2】A.Because the astronauts didn’t take care of the dirt.B.Because the dirt was exposed to radiation and solar wind for too ...
“Save the planet, (learn how to) plant a tree” I like catchy memes as much as the next person. They’re easily memorized and passed on. But “Save the planet, plant a tree” has always bugged me for two reasons. First, and probably most importantly, this simplistic mantra absolves...