摘要: AtsixdifferentforestsitesinVenezuela,weestimatedthediversityandabundanceofantsandnymphalidbutterfliesonthegroundandinthecanopy,andofplantsStatisticalanalysisusingeightdifferentdiversityindicesforeachspeciesgrouprevealedlargevariationsamongthemGroundantsappearedtobethemostreliablebioindicators,evenwhenonlythefivemostcommon...
Liu, Q. et al. The calcium transporter ANNEXIN1 mediates cold-induced calcium signaling and freezing tolerance in plants. EMBO J. 7, e104559 (2020). This study reports cold-induced Ca2+ influx through the Ca2+ transporter AtANN1. Google Scholar Ma, Y. et al. COLD1 confers chilling tol...
and stop the process at the very beginning and during primary drying so that the mixture is dried and dead plant partsplant pieces of frozen or wet mixing homogeneously.the mixture of pieces of plants thus obtained for the migration of water, more or less pieces of frozen or wet to dry up...
at the National Institute of Agricultural Botany; F. Gallo and K. Müller for generating electron microscopy images; U. Paszkowski for providing ccd8 mutant rice; S. Holdgate for providing a culture of G. graminis var. tritici; M. Castle for statistical advice; M. Tester for supplying ...
stability, and high sorption capacity. They are also resistant to biodegradation. The most ubiquitous in air, and the most hazardous is benzo(a)pyrene (BaP). It is usually used as a marker, and the risk coming from other PAHs is evaluated as benzo(a)pyrene equivalent (B(a)Peq) [37]....
This stored reserve is then degraded at night to sustain metabolism and growth. However, night-time starch degradation must be tightly controlled, as over-rapid turnover results in premature depletion of starch before dawn, leading to starvation. Recent experiments in Arabidopsis have shown that ...
and/or ET signaling pathways. Loss of SDG8 function causes mutant plants to show reduced resistance to the fungal pathogensA. brassicicolaandB. cinerea[46]. In tomato, SDG8 orthologs were required for pathogen- and stress-induced enrichment of H3K36me3 and H3K4me3 at target genes, but their...
Some plant species increase root allocation at the expense of reproduction in the presence of non-self and non-kin neighbors, indicating the capacity of neighbor-identity recognition at the root level. Yet in spite of the potential consequences of root identity recognition for the relationship betwee...
Keeps track of when I last watered my plants. They tend to die otherwise :( - plants/package-lock.json at master · zozs/plants
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