Grow tomatoes close to basil, chives, asparagus, carrots, marigolds, nasturtiums, onions, and parsley. These are tomato companion plants. These plants will repel insects that attack tomatoes. The notion behind companion planting is that some plants naturally grow better together, and that they form...
PlantingTagged environment, indoorplants, orchids, plantsmakepeoplehappy, planttherapy 10 Beautiful Indoor Planter Containers to Brighten up Your Home by Christian Hughes Posted on April 22, 2023April 22, 2023 Indoor plants are a great way to brighten up a room and bring a touch […] ...
How much to plant: Grow 6 plants for cooking; grow 10 to 18 plants for preserving. Thyme companion plants Companion planting: Thyme is said to benefit all cabbage family plants, eggplant, potatoes, strawberries, and tomatoes. Plant thyme with hyssop, garlic, chives, and rosemary. The fragrance...
[48]. Generally, aromatic herbs and certain plants are recommended for their supposed repellent qualities. For example, herbs such as basil (Ocimum basilicumL.) planted with tomatoes have been recorded to repel thrips [49] and tomato hornworms [50]. Plants in the genusAllium(onio...
BASIL Peppers Purslane TomatoesPurslaneis used to shade the soil around basil plants, helping them to remain fresh in hot weather. Basil improves the growth and flavor oftomatoesandpeppers. BEANS Beets Corn Lovage Nasturtium Rosemary Squash
The experimental factors were: (1) plants of sweet basil, purple (purpurascens) basil, and cinnamon basil, and (2) time of planting basil seedlings. The concentrations of macroelements (total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium) and microelements (iron and copper) ...
Sweet cicely6–82–3 after36–72/36Moderately fertile, well-drainedPerennial Tarragon, FrenchNR‡NR‡24–36/12Well-drainedPerennial Thyme, common*6–102–3 before2–12/7–12Fertile, well-drainedPerennial *Recommend minimum soil temperature of 70°F to germinate ...
14. Asparagus Companion Plants Asparagus are hearty and prolific in early spring. Friends:Tomatoes among the top companions for asparagus due to the mutually beneficial relationship they share. They emit solanine, which naturally deters the asparagus beetle. Basil’s strong scent also confuses these ...
I tuck culinary herbs all over the garden, too. Basil repels flies, mosquitoes, aphids, and spider mites. Yarrow can enhance the flavor and scent of some other plants, so I like to work with the herbs and the yarrow together. Rosemary and sage deter carrot flies, and rosemary also slows...
Watermelon 1 March-April 4 95 72 72 110+ 6 plants 350 .75 oz. Herb Planting Tips Basil Tips There are many different kinds of basil to choose from for today’s gardeners. They range from cinnamon, lemon, to purple basil that is used mostly for decoration. Choose a variety right for...