If your climate allows for it, plant the bulbs at the beginning of spring, towards February-March, more or less 1 to 1½ inches (3/4 cm) deep. In case frost spells occasionally hit, bestgrow freesia in potsand bring the pots in from the cold. Freesia revels in the sun and in ra...
After transfer of the pots to a field soil, the harvested onion bulbs were freeze-dried and analyzed for selenium. Whereas there were no significant differences in the concentrations of selenium in onions grown in the media containing 0 (control), 10 or 25% fly ash, those grown in the ...
planting onion seeds directly into the garden in the spring makes it difficult for the bulbs to reach a good size before warm temperatures arrive. This means the seeds have to be started many weeks in advance of
The time to harvest your new, full-sized onions will depend on how big their initial bulbs were at planting, and the onion variety. Generally, onion plants give you a head start on the season as compared to planting a seed, and gardeners harvest onions from started onion plants about 65 ...
Plant bulbs in fall for a show next spring. Read more:16 Best Flower Bulbs to Plant in the Fall 20 Winter Flowers Jasenka Arbanas//Getty Images Did you know many plants, such as these stunning hellebores shown here, can bloom in the winter? Plantwinter-blooming flowersso you can enjoy yo...
Learnhow to plant bulbs in flooded or clay soil. Pruning and caring for allium Caring for allium is extremely easy, since the needs of this perennial bulb plant are not difficult to meet. In both pots and in the ground, they will bear nice flowers without asking you to care for them. ...
Gardening by the Moon (according to thephases of the Moon) is an ancient concept anda fundamental part of theFarmers’ Almanacphilosophy.Our print editions always include a Planting Calendar that uses phases and position of the Moon to predict the best times to perform specific gardening tasks. ...
Dust the corms with a fungicide (“bulb dust”) to avoid disease problems. Place dust and bulbs in a paper bag and shake vigorously. Store the corms in paper or cloth bags, pantyhose, or old onion sacks. Stack or hang the containers so air can move among them. Store the corms at...
This selection of highly decorative cards and bills of sale from businesses in and around the capital reveals a wide range of horticultural traders, from those providing landscaping services to those selling seeds and flower bulbs to ordinary Londoners. They include some of my favourites, including ...
Here are some of the claims for soaking garlic. Soaking in fertilizer allows the bulb to pick up moisture more quickly which results in a larger root system before winter. The fertilizer in the water also helps root growth resulting in larger bulbs at harvest time. ...