Lettuces are a great leafy green because they grow quickly, produce for a long time, and are not very demanding if you keep the plants sufficiently watered. Plus, lettuce grows great in raised beds, making it ideal for small spaces. Lettuces are perfect for containers, which can be placed...
Interplanting often goes hand-in-hand with companion planting. For example, a shallow-rooted plant such as leaf lettuce is an excellent companion when it is interplanted with a more deeply and complex-rooted tomato. Here are some other good companions: to benefit carrots grow onions; to benefi...
White Rot:This very serious disease starts with infected plant material. Avoid transplants grown in soil-based compost. Stick to starting from onion seeds, onion sets, and bulbs bought from inspected producers. With white rot, the foliage will yellow and wilt; below ground, white, fluffy fungal...
As a salad, chop them up, mix them with some mellow leaves like romaine, and dress them with your favorite dressing. Or use the leaves as a replacement for lettuce on your favorite sandwich. Chop leaves up and add them to a stir fry or toss them into your favorite soup. They’re so...
How To Grow Tomatoes How To Grow Peppers How To Grow Broccoli How To Grow Carrots How To Grow Beans How To Grow Corn How To Grow Peas How To Grow Lettuce How To Grow Cucumbers How To Grow Zucchini and Summer Squash How To Grow Onions ...
You may be short on garden space if you're still picking and cutting veggies, herbs and flowers in August. Unless your plants are finished and ready to pull anyway, try planting in containers. Pots are especially good for fast-growing radishes, salad greens like lettuce and spinach, and her...
/ Keep planting berry shrubs sold in containers / Though you won't plant them until end of fall, dig the planting holes for future fruit trees VEGETABLE PATCH: Plant a few last strawberry bushes. After 9:14 AM, the moon begins to ascend again: VEGETABLE PATCH: Sow faba bean, snow pea...
Lettuce Peas Turnips Radishes Beans Beets Corn Garlic Onions Some Herbs Potatoes Kale Coming next in the “Start Your Own Seeds Indoors” series will be “Thinning & Transplanting.” What’s thinning? Why would you murder a baby plant?
Start seedbeds. Good days for transplanting. Plant carrots, turnips, onions, beets, Irish potatoes, and other root crops in the South. Lettuce and other leafy vegetables will do well. 20th – 21st Poor planting days. Good harvest days. ...
Like lettuce, kale falls into that cut-and-come-again category. You don’t have to pull the whole plant or wait until it’s “ready.” You can keep harvesting the outer leaves at the base of the stem (I use mygarden scissors). The plant will continue to grow new leaves in the cen...