How to Prune Blueberry Bushes For the first four years or so after planting, blueberry bushes do not need to be pruned. From then on, pruning is needed to stimulate the growth of the new shoots that will bear fruit the following season. Prune plants in late winter or early spring before...
In a Michiganstudy, researchers found that the blueberry bushes thrived best whencrimson cloverwas planted around them. This stunning perennial is a nectar-rich cover crop that attracts bumblebees like aunties to a Denny’s buffet. When the berry bushes aren’t in season, the clover’s necta...
Those who swear by this ancient growing method say the water in both the ground and in plants are affected by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon, just like ocean tides are. Just as the tides are highest during the new and full phases of the Moon, this theory holds, seeds, too...