To test this hypothesis, we collected invertebrates on a dairy farm at Lincoln, Canterbury, in three habitat types: native plantings in field corners, native plantings along a double fence line, and pasture. Invertebrates were collected from pitfall traps, yellow pan traps, wooden discs and ...
And, David Austin’s ‘Malvern Hills’ is a glorious, repeat-blooming rambler rose that produces large clusters of small, double, soft yellow flowers. (Photo courtesy of David Austin Roses) Ryan continues to fill in any gaps along the fence line – I wanted all the walls to be filled wit...
A hedge, a solid fence, or even a house may obstruct airflow. Another way to obstruct airflow is to plant too close together, but that is a discussion for another time. Lastly comes the phrase “out of sight, out of mind”. This is very true for a vegetable garden. When selecting ...
This tree is also known as cockspur thorn because it sports numerous long, sharp thorns along its horizontal branches. A grouping of these trees makes an excellent protective barrier or living fence. Hawthorns prefer a well-drained, slightly acidic soil. Last November, this area on one side o...
Ever thought about growing juicy plums? Not only are they prolific producers, but plum trees also add beauty to your backyard if grown in the right spot. Here’s how to plant, grow, and harvest plums. Plums (Prunus domestica, Rosaceae) belong to the rose family along with cherries,peaches...
A tiny garden, dominated by a homemade rockery, is bordered by a wire fence to keep out sheep and rabbits from the adjoining field. Here, the fence represents a battle line, and gardener’s foot, planted firmly on the rockery, seems to indicate both pride in his collection of alpine ...
Wind and Snow: Be aware of the direction of prevailing wind and any large buildings nearby. A wall or fence may create a sheltered environment perfect for heat-loving fruits, or it could funnel icy winds during winter. Roofs can dump a ton of snow on an unsuspecting tree below, snapping...
Sow corn seeds along an east-west line to provide plenty of southern exposure. Sow the seeds at a depth of 1 1/2 to 2 inches spaced 2 to 4 inches apart. Corn needs to be planted in a block instead of one long row to ensure good pollination, so make several rows of corn spaced ...
They will end up crowding each other and won’t grow well. If the bush grows near a fence line, be sure to plant it in some from the edge so it will grow on the back side, too. Forsythia has a pretty arching habit and needs plenty of room for those branches to spread out. Be ...
As mentioned above, trailing blackberries need a trellis or support. Explore a two-wire system, running a top wire at five to six feet with a second line 18 inches below the top wire. After the first year, there will be fruiting floricanes along the wires. Train the new primocanes into...