plantar fasciitis 读音:美英 plantar fasciitis基本解释 脚底筋膜炎;足底筋膜炎;脚底发炎;跖腱膜炎;足底肌膜炎 分词解释 plantar[解剖]跖的 fasciitis筋膜炎
可恨的足底筋膜炎(plantar fasciitis) “足底筋膜”是长在脚底,从脚跟连到脚趾的结缔组织。功能是帮助吸收足底压力跟支撑足弓张力。 足底筋膜炎常发生在早上刚起床时,脚踩在地上会突然觉得脚跟下有剧痛,行走困难;走几分钟后,疼痛就会逐渐减轻。如果不是足部开始的疼痛...
Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain Orthotic Insole High Arch Foot Support Medical Functional Insoles €93.99€64.99 Add to Cart SAVE -20% Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain Breathable Foot Splint Foot Orthosis Brace Pain Relief €48.99€38.99 Add to Cart
plantar fasciitis n. Inflammation of the band of connective tissue on the sole of the foot, characterized by pain in the heel when walking. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Hough...
跖腱膜炎(Plantar fasciitis/fasciosis),俗称为足底筋膜炎 足底筋膜炎是导致脚后跟疼痛的最常见一种原因,对于初级康复医生和骨科外科医生来说都是一种挑战。据估计,高达15%的成年人会遭遇脚跟疼痛的困扰而求医。足底筋膜炎通常被描述为一种过度使用性损伤,源于跟骨内侧结节的筋膜止点处的炎性改变。
足底筋膜炎(跟痛症) Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain) 定义:脚底下方的筋膜发炎,足底筋膜炎是一种足底的疼痛性炎症,位于足底足跟处。医学上又称为“跖筋膜炎”,是一种比较常见的足痛症。俗称“跟痛症”。以前我们常认为足底筋膜炎就是所说的跟骨骨刺,尽管它们严格意义上并不是同一类疾病。跟骨骨刺其实是一种骨质的...
将“ plantar fasciitis "自动翻译成 中文 Glosbe Translate Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“plantar fasciitis"翻译成 中文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 Plantar fasciitis: Learn how to relieve the pain with simple tools! 足底筋膜炎:学习如何缓解疼痛用简单的工具! ParaCrawl...
1. Plantar fasciitis pain can often be worse in the mornings or after prolonged sitting (Umar et al., 2022). Clients may have less pain when exercising by following a gentle warm-up routine. 2. Stretching is recommended before exercise to reduce pain. The gastrocnemius, soleus, and achilles...
Plantar fasciitis, or foot ligament inflammation, can be painful. The sole of the foot is referred to as the plantar area. Plantar fasciitis is a chronic local inflammation of the "bowstring-like" ligament stretching underneath the sole, also referred to as the plantar fascia, that attaches to...