BARTDEN, F. C . Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases. Waltham, Mass. : Chronica Botanica, 122 (1950).Bawden, F. C. (1943). Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases. Waltham, Mass.: Chronica Botanica Co. -& Pirie, N. W. (1937). Proc. roy. Soc. B, 123, 274. (1940). Biochem. J. 34,...
145 PLANT VIRUS DISEASES Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases hypot4esis. Serological technique has also proved By F. C. Bawden. (A New Series of Plant Science of value in identification of the viruses and can be Books, Vol. 5.) Pp. xii + 272. (Leiden: Chronica used to distinguish strains...
Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases. Nature 166, 503 (1950). Download citation Issue Date23 September 1950 DOI Springer Nature Limited Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:...
Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases. 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 83 作者: BAWDEN,C F. 摘要: The subject matter of this edition resembles that of the previous one [R.A.E., A 33 192], but the text has been largely rewritten and greatly extended to bring it up to date. A chapter...
Plant viruses and virus diseases, 3rd ed: By F. C. Bawden , Head, Plant Pathology Department, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Herts, England. Chronica Botanica Company, Waltham, Mass.; Stechert-Hafner Co., New York. N. Y. 1950. xiv + 335 pp. P. S.E. Luria. Archives ...
Before any chemical analyses can be made of a plant virus, or indeed any virus, it is necessary to free it from the host cell materials, and we have already discussed some of the methods for doing this in Chapter Four. However, not all plant viruses are
Plant viruses arevirusesthat infectplants. Control of plant viruses is of great economic importance worldwide, because these viruses cause diseases that destroy commercial crops. Like other viruses, a plant virus particle, also known as a virion, is an extremely small infectious agent. It is essen...
Plant viruses have been intensively studied since the end of the XIX century, when Adolf Mayer discovered the agent that causes tobacco mosaic disease, and Beijerinck used the term “virus” for this agent. For more than 100 years, tobacco-infecting TMV has served as a model virus for re...
viroid,virusoid- the smallest of viruses; a plant virus with its RNA arranged in a circular chromosome without a protein coat onion yellow-dwarf virus- the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of onion plants potato yellow-dwarf virus- the virus that produces stunting and ...
THE existence of viruses was first deduced from work done in 1892 on tobacco plants suffering from mosaic, and much of what we now know of these elusive entities has come from further work on this and a few other plant diseases. It is far from certain that this knowledge can safely be ...