Botanist Joey Santore answers the internet's burning questions about plants! What's the weirdest plant in existence? Why do the leaves change colors in the fall? Can you cross-breed fruits? Why are plant medicines so taboo?
It is the early stage of development for the plant, containing the essential structures and tissues that will eventually grow into the mature plant. The embryo is protected by the seed coat and contains the cotyledons, which are the first leaves of the plant. Rate this question: 8 0 ...
Answer the questions below fully and clearly: Why do the internal membranes of chloroplasts not form if chlorophyll is not being synthesized? Compare the structure and function of proplastids, chloroplasts, etioplasts, leucoplasts, and chromoplasts? In which...
Track:2.Bio-innovation and Plant Tissue Culture Plant Multicellular tissue parts, called explants, got from living plants. Explants may begin from wide scope of plant tissues, like leaf, stem, root,hypocotyl, cotyledon, undeveloped organism, or meristem. Plant Biotechnology is noticeable in the fie...
differentgermplasm,itcansmallorgans,tissuesandcellsare totipotentplantgenetic,biologicalgenetictraitsthat controlgene,largesumofindividualplantsorevenmany individualswithinspecies. Introduction:referstotheintroductionoffinevarietiesor germplasmresourcesfromforeigncountriesorforeign ...
Heath MC (1986) Fundamental questions related to plant-fungal interactions: can recombinant DNA technology provide the answers? In: Bailey JA (ed) Biology and molecular biology of plant-pathogen interactions. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p 15Heath, M. (1986). Fundamental questions related to plant-...
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herbaceous Describes a plant with soft rather than woody tissues. honeydew The sticky secretion produced by sucking insects such as aphids. humus The brown or black organic part of the soil resulting from the partial decay of leaves and other matter. hybrid The offspring of two plants of differ...
dead organic substances found on living plants or in their immediate vicinity and then become embedded in living tissues. In the phase of infection, the causative agent invades cells from the intercellular interstices and infects the plant. In many infectious diseases, such as gray rot, there is...
Avid gardeners spend a lot of time getting up close and personal with their plants. Whether they have a background in botany or not, they are bound to notice things about plants that others won’t. Questions are sure to arise about what their plants are up to, how they manage to do ...