Journal Title:Plant Species Biology Plant Species Biology is published four times a year by The Society for the Study of Species Biology. Plant Species Biology publishes research manuscripts in the fields of population biology, pollination biology, evolutionary ecology, biosystematics, co-evolution, and...
期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: 出版商网址: Plant Species Biology《植物物种生物学》 (官网投稿) 简介 期刊简称PLANT SPEC BIOL 参考译名《植物物种生物学》 核心类别 高质...
PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY英文简介 Plant Species Biology is the official peer-reviewed publication of The Society for the Study of Species Biology.Established in 1986, the journal covers diverse subjects as Evolutionary studies on sexual systems in plants, Maintenance mechanism and diversity of plant species...
Plant Species Biology publishes research manuscripts in the fields of population biology, pollination biology, evolutionary ecology, biosystematics, co-evolution, and any other related fields in biology. In addition to full length papers, the journal also includes short research papers as notes and ...
Plant Species Biology is the official peer-reviewed publication of The Society for the Study of Species Biology.Established in 1986, the journal covers diverse subjects as Evolutionary studies on sexual systems in plants, Maintenance mechanism and diversity of plant species populations, differentiation pa...
PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY 期刊详细信息 基本信息 期刊名称PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY 期刊ISSN0913-557X 期刊官方网站 是否OA否 出版商Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 出版周期Tri-annual ...
《PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY》 期刊名缩写:PLANT SPEC BIOL 22年影响因子:1.821 issn:0913-557X eIssn:1442-1984 类别:生物环境科学与生态学综合性期刊 学科与分区:植物科学(PLANT SCIENCES) - SCIE(Q3)生态学(ECOLOGY) - SCIE(Q3) 出版国家或地区:JAPAN ...
期刊评价 您选择的plant species biology的指数解析如下: 简介:PLANT SPEC BIOL杂志属于生物行业,“生态学”子行业的偏低级别杂志。投稿难度评价:影响因子偏低,但是接稿量不是很大,审稿周期偏长,但容易发表 审稿速度:12周以上或约稿级别/热度:黑评语:冷门杂志,关注人极少。 说明:指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床...
plant species biology 期刊信息 基本信息期刊全称 plant species biology 期刊简称 Print ISSN 0913-557X Online ISSN 1442-1984 期刊出版社 是否开放获取 Open Access,OA 否官网地址 期刊所属领域 期刊简介 JCR分区索引信息2021年数据 是否是SCIE(SCI) 注:SCI已经完全被SCIE取代,参考: SCI被取代 SCIE索引...
期刊名称:《Plant Species Biology》 | 2012年第2期 3.Microclimate and production of peat moss Sphagnum palustre L. in the warm-temperate zone. 机译:温带地区泥炭藓的小气候和生产。 作者:Fukuta E.;Sasaki A.;Nakatsubo T. 期刊名称:《Plant Species Biology》 | 2012年第1期 关键词: air temp...