Yup, if you haven’t figured it out already, kukaenene means nene poop. Not for the smell, but for the look. Each tiny fruit kinda looks like a black licorice jellybean which also happens to look like the droppings of nene birds. What’s even more interesting is that these fruits are...
Located in the Spanish Balearic Islands is a lizard species known as Lilford’s wall lizard (Podarcis lilfordi). It has become an ally of one of the planet's strangest plants, the dead horse arum (Helicodiceros muscivorus), known as such because it looks and smells like rotting horse ...
驱蛇植物大全(Thesnakeplantisfullofplants) 1.Snakeextinguishingthedoor(wangjiangnan,wilddetermined, wildlentil,goldenbean,dogpoopbean,dizzygrass,stomach painfood,goldenflowerleopard,phoenixgrass) 2.Thebarplatereturn(whitegrass,snakebackwards,pear riverhead,snakebut)3.TheclusterClusteroffruitmatures, aslight...