A PLANT PLASMA-MEMBRANE PROTON-ATPASE GENE IS REGULATED BY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT AND SHOWS SIGNS OF A TRANSLATIONAL REGULATION A proton-pumping ATPase is present in the plasma membrane of plant cells where it sustains transport-related functions. This enzyme is encoded by a family ... MICHEL...
A caring plant parent knows the signs of a struggling leaf. Fear not, for we have your back! The innovative plant health solutions of Plant Scanner - Plant Parent free app, your botanical expert, lets you discern issues early on, offering precious insights and tips to nurse your green compa...
Is your plant showing signs of illness? Our powerful plant disease identifier can diagnose over 100 plant diseases. Use the free plant diagnosis feature to find out what’s wrong with your plant. The app offers in-depth information on each disease, its causes, and treatment methods – chemical...
The identification of disease on the plant is a very essential key to avoid a heavy loss of harvest and the quantity of agricultural product. The signs can be detected on the parts of the plants such as stems, leaf, lesions and fruits. The leaf shows the symptoms by varying, showing the...
94. With some exceptions95,96, human enteric pathogens are not true phytopathogens as they do not display prominent signs or symptoms of disease within a plant host97. Gram-negative phytopathogens of the generaXanthomonas,Pseudomonas, andErwiniause T3SSs to deliver effector proteins to suppress ...
Identification of cnicin was based on comparison of retention time and mass spectrum to authentic standard (Phytoplan cat# 2113.98, Heidelberg, Germany). Metabolomic data extraction and statistical analysis GC-MS data was processed using AMDIS [68] for peak detection from multiple randomly selected ...
We assessed the fit of the most parsimonious models with residual diagnostic plots from packageDHARMa(Hartig,2021). Because the top-ranked models showed signs of under-dispersion, we refitted the models with quasi-binomial error distribution. Furthermore, the top-ranked model explaining variation in...
(Fig.6). Because the damage on plants had been observed prior to the identification of the European corn borer and the area of infestation was already sizeable, the date of its introduction was estimated to be circa 1910. During the 1920–1923 period, federal inspectors repeatedly found living...
primarily a major drug of abuse. The pharmacological responses and the problems of tolerance to and dependence on heroin are essentially identical to those of morphine. The primary toxicological problem is one of overdose, marked by three cardinal signs: depressed respiration, coma, and pinpoint ...
Agriculture is the most primary and indispensable source to furnish national income of numerous countries including India. Diseases in plants/crops are the serious causes in degrading the production quantity and quality, which results in economy losses. Thus, identification of the diseases in plants is...