You'll find a unique selection of indoor plants, planters and more garden-inspired decor. Request a free catalog or shop online. Disclosure:Clicking the above links will direct you to affiliate companies. Although I may earn a small commission on purchases you make, there is no additional char...
The catalogs are listed below in alphabetical order. Most of the seed and plant catalogs are complimentary; a handful might not be free, but they are still worth considering. None of the catalogs in this list are produced or sold byThe Old Farmer’s Almanac. This is simply a list that b...
It's easy torequest a free Burpee seed catalog. Each year they publish a new seed catalog that includes all of their vegetables, flowers, perennials, herbs, and heirloom seeds, as well as plants. Those in the United States can request a free Burpee seed catalog to be mailed straight to ...
CB Index:58 Related Information:Catalog(8748) Company Name:Creative Enzymes Tel:1-516-855-7709 Nationality:United States Products Intro:Product Name:plant seed peroxygenase CB Index:58 Related Information:Catalog(6057)
The Nantes carrot was first described in a nineteenth-century French vegetable seed catalog in this way: “Root almost perfectly cylindrical…skin very smooth…flesh of the root entirely red, very sweet and mild in flavor….” The Nantes carrot takes its name from the city on the Atlantic coa...
You'll find catalog pages – but only from companies who do a good job of illustrating and describing their plants. I welcome suggestions for more sources. As time allows, I hope to add pages from many more quality sources to PlantLinks. Please write me with your suggestions and comments...
I must have gotten a catalog very quickly after that and started ordering seeds. I remember the first time I ordered seeds I had no idea what I was doing. I bought 50 kinds of seeds; I mixed them in a pile and I planted them in a flat. I threw away the labels, and when they ...
Perennial vegetable plants (rhubarb, dock, asparagus, tarragon, Welsh onion) are characterized by repeated fruiting and formation of seed. Most vegetable plants are native to the tropical and subtropical zones. Many are thermophile and require fertile and moist soil. Certain species are cold ...
Do you have a printed catalog?Yes, and we'd be delighted to send you one. Keep in mind that there are 1,000 additional plants on the website that aren't in the printed catalog. To get a catalog, all you need to do is request one.How do I change my email for your newsletter?
Chrysanthemums aretypically grown from cuttings. The home gardener may find them particularly hard to find at the correct time for planting for this reason, but never fear! There are some great companies out there that offer cuttings that can be ordered online or via a catalog. ...