Although plant cells differ greatly they all have similar eukaryotic organisation.It can be seen in this diagram of a plant cell that the cells are made up of many different parts; these are known as organelles. These are described in more detail below. Parts shown in the Plant cell diagram...
Unlike the role of the microtubule in cell division in the animal cell, the plant cell uses the microtubules to transport materials within the vell and they are also used in forming the plant cell, cell wall. Microtubules Diagram Other functions of the cytoskeleton in plants include: Giving the...
Data enhancement was performed via the random point sampling method for all labeled branch point cloud data since the maize tassel point cloud data obtained via multi-view reconstruction were dense and non-uniform. In the first stage of downsampling, different initial points were selected to ensure...
aDiagram of plant inoculation, a fungal disc (5 mm diameter) was punched from the actively growing edge of the PDA plates, one-year-oldP. notoginsengplants were inoculated by placing the fungal disc on the surface of leaves.b–eHydrolysis turnovers of different zones in PNL at 5 DPI wi...
Four-week-old plants were inoculated with GFP-labeled GMI1000 by petiole inoculation. Stem cross-sections were taken at the inoculation site (IS), 2 cm above (A-2), 4 cm above (A-4), 2 cm below (B-2), and 4 cm below (B-4) the inoculation site. f, Quantitative data of GFP ...
To further validated the flavonoid biosynthesis related key genes, a WGCNA (Weighted Correlation Network Analysis) was performed [51]. After filtering out the genes with a low expression (FPKM < 0.05), 4066 genes were obtained for the WGCNA. 12 distinct modules were identified (labeled with...
(24.0%) were classified as dispersed duplicates. Similarly, the other threeBBXswere mostly labeled as WGD or segmental duplication genes (67 out of 91, 73.6%), and the remainingBBXswere considered dispersed duplicates (23 out of 91, 25.3%). These results indicated that the expansion of the...
(C) The phylogenetic tree showing a total of 191 UDP-dependent glycosyltransferases (UGTs) with the different UGT subfamilies labeled. R. glutinosa UGTs are highlighted in red while A. thaliana UGTs are highlighted in black. DMAPP: dimethylally diphosphate; DXP: 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate...
90 s. Eight microliters of the reaction buffer was subjected to SDS-PAGE and blotted using biotinylated AAL (Vector Labs, cat# B-1395) with a dilution of 1:1000 and HRP-labeled Streptavidin (Sangon, cat# B110053) with a dilution of 1:5000 as the primary and secondary antibodies, ...
Molecular data concerning the involvement of roots in the genetic pathways regulating floral transition are lacking. In this study, we performed global analyses of the root transcriptome in Arabidopsis in order to identify flowering time genes that are e