EU Pesticide Regulation(EC) No 1107/2009(referred to as EU PPPs Regulation)lays down harmonized rules for the approval of active substances and the placing on the market of plant protection products in the European Union. It was published in 2009 to replace old Directive 91/414/EEC and was ...
In this article we will examine what the regulatory framework for plant protection products (PPPs) in UK agriculture and the wider supply chain might look like after exiting the EU. The current regulatory framework is determined by the EU Commission with subsequent approval for use in Member ...
Plant-Protection-Regulations网络植物保护规定;植物保护条例网络释义 1. 植物保护规定 ... 植物保护法 Plant Protection Act 植物保护规定 Plant Protection Regulations ...|基于1 个网页 2. 植物保护条例 ... and Drugs Regulations)、《植物保护条例》(Plant Protection Regulations)、《新鲜水果...
2.1Directive 91/414/EEC concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market At present there are two parallel systems for the approval of PPP in the different MS of the EU. Under the first (older) system, the scientific evaluation of PPP is carried out entirely at a national ...
Brexit and the Plant Protection Products Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, and the Maximum Residue Levels Regulation (EC) No 396/2005,As the deadline for the UK exiting the EU (‘Brexit’) draws closer, the uncertainty over whether we w
Regulations in the area of plant protection products and pesticide residues in the Republic of Croatia are in line with the acquis communautaire and implemented in practice. During the transitional period prior to the full membership of the Republic of Croatia in the European Union, a series of ...
The legal framework for plant protection products in the EU has changed significantly in recent times. The placing of plant protection products on the market is regulated uniformly EU-wide by regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, which is in force since 14 June 2011. Furthermore the directive 2009/12...
91/414/EEC 关于植物保护产品投放市场的指令(Concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market)
CCC Label Application-Plant Protection Products This regulation applies to implement for preventing plant from damaging by disease, insect or other creatures, which is dispersed by liquid, air and heat with pesticide spraying. Including: knapsack sprayer-duster, knapsack power sprayer, knapsack sprayer,...
中华人民共和国植物新品种保护条例 REGULATIONS OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON THE PROTECTION OF NEW VARIETIES OF PLANTS 国务院令第213号 (Promulgated by Decree No. 213 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on March 20,1997) ...