BUNNINGS TREEFARMS,MANJIMUP,WA 6258,AUSTRALIAElsevier BVMycological ResearchThomson BD, Malajczuk N, Grove TS, Hardy GEStJ (1993) Im- proving the colonization capacity and effectiveness of ectomy- corrhizal fungal cultures by association with a host plant and re-isolation. Mycol Res 97 : 839-...
Pots were subsequently placed in a glasshouse with natural light at 20–25 °C, and watered as required. Plant health, development, and any visible disease symptoms were assessed daily under a stereomicroscope. 2.4. Assessment of Endophyte Colonisation The colonisation frequencies of the forage ...
The garden pots were kept indoors under a transparent roof, receiving ~2000 lumen during daytime. The average temperature was recorded at a maximum of 21–24 °C and a minimum of 11–13 °C. The average relative humidity and daylight hours were 68% and 12.3 h, respectively. 3. Results...