Visual droplet number rating chart and fluorescent pigment sprays to estimate chemical deposition and spray coverage on plant foliage. In: Proceedings of the Association of Applied Biologists' Conference for International Advances in Pesticide Application. Robinson College, Cambridge.Furness, G. O., A....
2a). Genomic-based average nucleotide identity (ANI) analysis indicated that the 923 genome had an ANI value of 99.25% when compared with P. mosselii DSM17497; this is higher than the threshold value of 95% for species demarcation, confirming that the strain 923 is P. mosselii. Additional...
Appendix Low- / High-nutrient value foods The following chart (seeherefor more details on ANDI scores) gives an idea of what foods are classified as being either high or low in nutrient value: These are the sort of nutrients being evaluated within the above study: ANDImeasures calcium; the ...
pigment • Reduced uptake of Na+ from soil and accumulation in leaf tissue • Increased plant biomass • Increased photosynthesis • Increased leaf K+ levels and K+/Na+ ratio • Improved membrane stability index • Improved shoot and root dry matter • Increased sucrose and sugar ...