Plant Physiology Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 0032-0889.
The "Journal of Plant Physiology" publishes original papers, reviews and short communications dealing with all aspects of plant biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology and basic aspects of plant biotechnology. All papers are published in English. The main focus of the journal is to disseminate ori...
The Journal of Plant Physiology & Pathology publishes promising research of seminal importance in the field; conceptual or technical studies hold a special place in the journal milieu.
Organisms need to constantly recalibrate development and physiology in response to changes in their environment. Climate change-associated global warming is amplifying the intensity and periodicity of these changes. Being sessile, plants are particularly vulnerable to variations happening around them. These ...
Though the general physiology of plants remains the same, the economic importance of plants differs on the basis of metabolites present in it. The presence of medicinally important metabolites makes a plant important for use in ayurveda practices and by traditional healers. This manuscript explains ...
Physiology ponders the living being when all is said in done, with the purpose of choosing how every constituent (e.g. the self-governing tissues) adds to its abilities and associations with the earth. Portion Plant Physiology welcomes duties that grow examinations of particles, cells, tissues,...
期刊名称:《Plant Physiology》 | 2004年第1期 9.National Science Foundation-Sponsored Workshop Report. Draft Plan for Soybean Genomics 机译:国家科学基金会赞助的研讨会报告。大豆基因组计划草案 作者:Gary Stacey;Lila Vodkin;Wayne A. Parrott;Randy C. Shoemaker 期刊名称:《Plant Physiology》 | 2004年第...
Impacts of heat, drought, and their interaction with nutrients on physiology, grain yield, and quality in field crops. Plant Physiology Reports, 25(4), 549–568. Article CAS Google Scholar Pardey, P. G., Chan-Kang, C., Dehmer, S. P., ...
刊名:Plant Physiology 2009年第3期 摘要:AtMPB2C is the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) homolog of MPB2C, a microtubule-associated host factor of tobacco mosaic virus movement protein that was been previously identified in Nicotiana tabacum. To analyze the endogenous function of AtMPB2C and its ro...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry embraces physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, structure and genetics at different levels, from the molecular to the whole plant and environment.The journal publishes several types of articles: papers, methods, short papers, trends, hypotheses and review...