TEACHING PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND MORE WITH WISCONSIN FAST PLANTS Budgetary, logistical and time constraints frequently limit the extent of hands-on activities included in introductory courses in horticulture. Model organisms can facilitate the demonstration of broad-based principles and enhance learni... Pabl...
Section 4 Cellular Structure and Function Cellular Transport Isotonic Solution Water and dissolved substances diffuse into and out of the cell at the same rate. Plant Cell Solute concentration is higher inside the cell. Section 4 Cellular Structure and Function Cellular Transport Hypotonic Solution Solut...
Organic Compounds Carbon Sources – Sucrose, sometimes Glucose or Fructose (Plants Need Carbon) Vitamins – Adenine – part of RNA and DNA Inositol – part of the B complex, in phosphate form is part of cell membranes, organelles and is not essential to growth but beneficial Thiamine – essent...