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brake and signal operator. Historically, a signalman relayed instructions to the train's engineer with flags or hand signals to help ensure safe operations. According to the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen, the term includes railroad employees who inspect, maintain and install the...
Each day, many workers find themselves in a situation of having to either quit their jobs because of the safety hazards or continue working and just take a chance. Refinery workers shouldn’t be put in that predicament. They have a right to a safe work environment. If you or someone you...
The blasts occurred at the building occupied by Seqens North America in Newburyport, about 35 miles north of Boston NEWBURYPORT, Mass. — Several explosions rocked a plant in Massachusetts that manufactures chemicals used in medicines Thursday morning, blowing a hole in the roof and leadin...
making. What began as a move to manage the risks of cost increases, decreases in profitability, and the persistent fear that jobs would be lost overseas became the foundation of progressive manufacturing that uses smart systems and tools to significantly streamline operations and increase productivity...