In: Pörtner H-O, Roberts DC, Tignor M, Poloczanska ES, Mintenbeck K, Alegría A, Craig M, Langsdorf S, Löschke S, Möller V, Okem A, Rama B (eds) Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of ...
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Strange structures of the core sugar building blocks of N- and O-linked types on the surface of tumor cells are commonly observed. These changes could be an increase in the N-glycan branchings or an intensification in the density of O-linked. The changes can also cause a rise in ...
Fonseka D, Wickramaarachchi W, Madushani RPS. Synthetic seed production as a tool for the conservation and domestication of Celastrus Paniculatus: a rare medicinal plant. Annual Res Rev Biology. 2019;32:1–8. Article Google Scholar Yadav V, Shahzad A, Ahmad Z, Sharma S, Parveen S. Synth...
Makhaye, G.; Mofokeng, M.A.; Tesfay, S.; Aremu, A.O.; Van Staden, J.; Amoo, S.O. Influence of plant biostimulant application on seed germination. In Biostimulants for Crops from Seed Germination to Plant Development; Gupta, S., Van Staden, J., Eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Ne...
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In this experiment, exposure to MeJA affected the same secondary metabolites, suggesting that a cross-talk mechanism exists between the SA and JA pathways (Ramabulana et al., 2020). 8.1.5. Impact of MeSA during storage MeSA treatment may also be used during the storage of fruits or ...
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One of the essential components of human civilization is agriculture. It helps the economy in addition to supplying food. Plant leaves or crops are vulnerable to different diseases during agricultural cultivation. The diseases halt the growth of their re
with deep learning architectures standing out. These designs have produced impressive results in object identification and are used in various industries, including military, medicine, and finance. Research indicates that deep learning architectures outperform traditional approaches (Fernandes et al.2024b)....