Early in the summer of 2023, widespread nutrient deficiencies were observed in the Corn Belt, particularly potassium (K) deficiency in corn. Due in large part to drier-than-average early season growing conditions, abiotic stress—or stress from environmental conditions—was more prevalent, impacting...
Temporary nutrient deficiency - a difficult case for diagnosis and progno- sis by plant analysis. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 31: 1847-1861.Bell RW (2000) Temporary nutrient deficiency- a difficult case for diagnosis and prognosis by plant analysis. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 31, 1847...
Curcuma wenyujin, a perennial herb of the ginger family, is renowned for its significant medicinal properties. Phosphorus (P), a vital nutrient for plant growth and development, has seen its levels, particularly ... Yu Liu, Chen Wang, Wenqing Xu, Ruike Fan, Zhigang Wu and Lishang Dai ...
This review gives a comparative overview about identification of mineral nutrient deficiency responsive proteins using proteomic analysis, and discusses the current status for crop proteomics and its challenges to be integrated into systems biology approaches for developing crops with high mineral nutrient ...
which leads to nutrient-deficiency symptoms, including stunted growth, chlorosis, and necrosis of leaves37. Moreover, host plants show varied susceptibility towards the same pest species grown under different edaphic conditions38. Such plant–insect interactions associated with plant nutrition for CMBS ar...
Soil, as a primary repository of plastic debris, faces an escalating influx of microplastics. Microplastics have the potential to decrease soil bulk densit
The Agricultural Nutrient Assistant (ANA) from Spacenus is designed to support farmers in fertilizing plants according to their needs. It helps prevent crop failures by using a smartphone to detect a plant's nutrient deficiency at an early stage. Minerals company K+S and Spacenus, a German sta...
Vidal-Valverde et al.2003; Vilche et al.2003; Villamide and San Juan1998; Wood and Grusak2007). The micronutrient composition data are acquired from the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release (NDB) (https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/). The NDB identification of the selected ...
This leads to the general recommendation to monitor health status by frequent blood tests, to consult a dietician to live healthily on a plant-based diet and to consider supplements to avoid nutrient deficiencies or nutrient-overdose-related toxicity. All in all, organizations such as the Academy ...
K deficiency causes damage to the C:N:P homeostatic balance, reducing the efficiency of nutrient use and biomass production. However, Si is a viable alternative to attenuate these nutritional damages, favoring bean growth. The future perspective is that the use of Si in agriculture in underdevelop...