Drury is the new gateway to Auckland south. The mixed-use developments are designed to combine community and industry with the natural world. The projects integrate homes with business hubs consisting of retail and commercial services. Read More → Riparian Planting, Land Development, Biodiversity,...
Cactus and Succulent Society of New Zealand www.cssnz.org Links to branch pages: Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Hawke's Bay, Invercargill, Manawatu, New Plymouth, Northland, South Taranaki, Tararua, Wellington/Hutt Valley Cactus and Succulent Society of Tulsa www.tulsacactusclub.org Cactus Specialti...
Pathirana R, Scalzo J, Frew T et al (2013) Ovule culture and embryo rescue facilitates interspecific hybridisation in blueberry (Vacciniumspp.). Paper presented at the 20th biennial meeting of The New Zealand Branch of The International Association for Plant Biotechnology, Waiheke Island, Auckland,...
Salmon, Bruce: "Carnivorous Plants of New Zealand". Ecosphere Publications, Auckland, New Zealand, 2002. ISBN 047308032X, soft cover with flaps, NZD 64.95. Descr.: 304 pp., 12 botanical line drawings, approx. 140 color photos. Chapters: Climate, Habitats, Dispersal, Conservation, Cultivation, ...
. All sequences are available at the GenBank under the accession numbers OR533977 to OR533996. The final identification of bacterial strains was based on a neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences created by the software MEGA (v.11.0.13, Mega Limited, Auckland, ...
. All sequences are available at the GenBank under the accession numbers OR533977 to OR533996. The final identification of bacterial strains was based on a neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences created by the software MEGA (v.11.0.13, Mega Limited, Auckland, ...