!endfunction ' format sprite that it can be used in diagram !function $getSprite($sprite) ' if it starts with & it's a OpenIconic, details see https://useiconic.com/open/ ' if it starts with img: it's an image, details see https://plantuml.com/creole ...
!endfunction ' format sprite that it can be used in diagram !function $getSprite($sprite) ' if it starts with & it's a OpenIconic, details see https://useiconic.com/open/ ' if it starts with img: it's an image, details see https://plantuml.com/creole ...
The cultivars have several common names depending on the country and the local area where they exist (Table 1). The origin of A. sessilis is not well understood. It probably originated from the tropical areas of America and then spread widely to the tropics and subtropic regions of the ...
TTPB combine up-to-date peer-review research-based content with flexible presentation components. An editorial innovation of The Plant Cell, one of the most trusted names in plant biology. Latest tools: Three-way interactions between plants, microbes, and arthropods ...
and Malaysia. On my first visit to Singapore in 1986 I was escorted by a representative of thegovernment on a visit to the nationalorchid collection which houses the world's largest collection of orchid species.Instantly my interest in these beautifulflowering plants with "tribe" names such asOn...
Once I start P3D it takes many minutes to refresh and connect, and I have to wait until it's done, even though typically I don't want to be in that project at all. I would prefer to be able to set Plant 3D to start up with no project loaded into Project Manager, and then ...
If an operation is associated with only one piece of equipment (that is, machine), when you clock on the operation, the equipment is automatically selected. US372840 The most recently accessed machine names that appear as buttons in the workspace heading now contain the corresponding production li...
Though not widespread, some of the common names for aloe include; Healing plant, first-aid plant, African aloe, true Aloe, and miracle plant. Origin This dainty succulent has been proved to originate from the Arabian Peninsula, although there’s evidence that some of the species are native to...
Don't use , as part of the tag names (PlantUML does not support it in combination with keyword arguments). If 2 tags define the same skinparam, the first definition is used. If specific skinparams have to be merged (e.g. 2 tags change the font color) an additional combined tag has...
Size of the displayed images can be changed with ,scale={factor}. Color of the displayed images can be changed with ,color={color}.(If sprites are defined via $tags then the calculated legend is updated too)@startuml !include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML...