For these illnesses to be effectively managed, early and precise disease identification is essential. Through the use of both deep learning and conventional machine learning techniques, this work proposes a thorough method for classifying plant leaf diseases. The research makes use of a library of ...
Comparison of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Models for Plant Disease Identification 鈥Identification of plant diseases has been performed using machine learning and deep learning models on the datasets containing images of healthy and diseased plant leaves. The current study carries out an evaluation ...
A Concise Review of Crop Disease Identification: Integrating Conventional and Deep Learning Feature Extraction for Effective Diagnosis and Mitigation Strategies Chapter © 2024 Detection of Plant Leaf Disease Using Image Processing and Deep Learning Technique—A Review Chapter © 2021 Plant Disease...
Chen Q, Abedini M, Garnavi R, Liang X IBM research Australia at LifeCLEF2014: plant identification task. In: Working notes of CLEF 2014 conference Dimitrovski I, Madjarov G, Lameski P, Kocev D Maestra at LifeCLEF 2014 plant task: plant identification using visual data. In: Working notes...
Hyperspectral imaging is emerging as a promising approach for plant disease identification. The large and possibly redundant information contained in hyperspectral data cubes makes deep learning based identification of plant diseases a natural fit. Here,
To detect plant disease identification on leaf using machine learning algorithms. Intell Syst Design. 2023;494:239–49. Springer, Singapore. Nigam S, Jain R, Marwaha S, Arora A, Haque MA, et al. Deep transfer learning model for disease identification in wheat crop. Ecol Inform. 2023;75:...
Plant image identification has become an interdisciplinary focus in both botanical taxonomy and computer vision. The first plant image dataset collected by mobile phone in natural scene is presented,...
To detect plant disease identification on leaf using machine learning algo- rithms. Intell Syst Design. 2023;494:239–49. Springer, Singapore. 7. Nigam S, Jain R, Marwaha S, Arora A, Haque MA, et al. Deep transfer learning model for disease identification in wheat crop. Ecol Inform....
Recent studies suggest that plant disease identification via computational approaches is vital for agricultural production. However, there is still a large gap that needs to be bridged while the training data is imbalanced when the number of samples in different categories of the dataset varies greatl...
Plant disease detection and identification have been ongoing global concerns, especially towards food security and ensuring sustainable crop yield. To overcome these issues, Artificial Intelligent techniques have been implemented and achieved some great success in this field. However, improvements can still...