Tony Irons - seedling cacti - UK TyTy Online Plant & Tree Nursery - Yuccas, Agaves - USA uhlig-kakteen - Cactus and Succulent plants and seeds Valley Succulents - Canada's online source for cacti and succulents Brookside Nursery - Asclepiads, Euphorbias, Sansevierias and more - Italy Gesneri...
This review of plant coumarins discovered between 1978 and 1989 has been compiled on the premise that the reader has access to the 1978 review in this journal by the author (448). For immediate access to every known plant coumarin the present review should be read side-by-side with the pre...
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The genome-wide identification conducted here will accelerate the future study of rubber tree PR-10 proteins. A better understanding of these defense-related proteins may contribute to alternative ways of developing rubber tree clones with desirable traits in the future....
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ID. identification number: LHCP: light harvesting complex protein ORF: open reading frame Pp: Physcomitrella patens Prx: peroxiredoxin PrxII: type-II peroxiredoxin PrxQ: peroxiredoxin Q RbcS: ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase small subunit sAPx: stromal ascorbate peroxidase ROS...
Cactiguide On-line Guide to the positive identification of members of the cactus family CactusBase Database Software Vendor Les Cactus Les Cactus from Florent Papadopoulos Cactus Adventures Bi...
lacei populations, as evidenced by the identification of outlier SNPs associated with environmental factors, which could be crucial for the species' resilience in the face of environmental challenges. The demographic history inferred from the analysis indicates that M. lacei has experienced significant ...
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