These "out-rolled" diseases were then car- ried outside human habitats (thrown into water, taken to the forest, left on crossroads) or, more often, fed to dogs. Other substances (such as ashes, wool or boiled eggs) were also sometimes used for the same purpose [74, 75]. Products of...
Artemesia: New kids on the block: Mugworts and more Blooming bushes:Summer-flowering shrubs Get certified--Yes you can!: Demystifying Certified Wildlife Habitats Sustainable Gardening: Environmental questions Jan - March 2015 Vol12, Issue 1
autotrophic nutrition 6. pteridophytes differ from mosses in independent gametophyte dependent gametophyte flagellate antherozoids independent and dominant sporophyte 7. angiosperms are the dominant flora because of domestication by man power of adapting in diverse habitats self-pollination property property ...
Tall-herb communities play an important role in the vegetation of the European mountains. They are developed in humid habitats with nutrient-rich soil, from submontane to subalpine zones. As its contemporary flora consists of different geographical elements, their history, especially in relation to t...
diversity Article Trends in Population Size of Rare Plant Species in the Alpine Habitats of the Ukrainian Carpathians under Climate Change Yuriy Kobiv 1,2 1 Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kozelnytska St. 4, 79026 Lviv, Ukraine; ykobiv@gmail...
For example, Urtica dioica subsp. gracilis appears to have a geographical distribution limited to America, while Urtica dioica subsp. dioica is widely distributed [42]. The stinging nettle is a herbaceous nitrophilous perennial plant that grows in a wide range of habitats, as a common species ...
(halophytes) in which they grow, such as, rocky cliffs, and salt marshes that can be inundated with seawater during high tide. Many of these halophytes show a high level of endemicity since they grow in very specialized microhabitats that occupy small areas, usually exposed to intense ...
Domestication is a process that produces genetic changes in some plant and animal species resulting from their close relationship with humans, including increasing reliance on humans for survival and reproductive suc- cess, and adaptation to new, human-mediated habitats [3,4]. Changes to reproduction...
Nettle also grows in cool climates [12], making it a relevant plant candidate for local production and processing across Europe. Urtica dioica is also often co-associated with poplars [11] and willows in riparian habitats across Europe [13], which are also intensely used in phytomanagement ...