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Mutagenesis of the KIN10-targeted phosphorylation site on FREE1 caused the failure of autophagosome closure and defective of plant growth upon starvation. Taken together, during nutrient starvation in plant, the energy sensor SnRK1α1 phosphorylates FREE1 to promote the recruitment of FREE1 to phago...
Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Sugarcane Productivity and Quality of the Art Through the Increase in Photosynthetic and Antioxidant Activity Cleber de Morais Hervatin Anibal Pacheco de Almeida Prado Filho Carlos Alexandre Costa Crusciol Journal of Plant Growth Regulation (2024)Associated...
et al. Diversification of a transcription factor family led to the evolution of antagonistically acting genetic regulators of root hair growth. Curr. Biol. 26, 1622–1628 (2016). Article CAS Google Scholar Karas, B. et al. Conservation of lotus and Arabidopsis basic helix-loop-helix proteins...
By interfering with GA-mediated degradation of DELLA proteins, JA prioritizes defensive over growth-related pathways [97, 98]. Also, another significant crosstalk is illustrated by delayed induction of the JA/ET dependent gene marker PDF1.2 in the Arabidopsis quadruple-DELLA mutant lacking GAI, RGA...
growth of plants and the response to adversity stress [85]. TheStCDPK16in this study mainly catalyzed the phosphorylation of apoplast Ca2+into the cytoplasm. Its expression level gradually increased with the temperature decreased, and promoted the transfer of Ca2+from outside the cell to the ...
assigned to 13.6% of Arabidopsis sequences and only to 3.6% in dicot cDNA-AFLPs (χ2= 162.02,P= 1.3e-45). Four additional GO term categories, 'regulation of biological process', 'development', 'reproduction' and 'growth' were found at 11.5%, 7.1%, 3.0% and 1.1%, respectively, in ...
There is increasing evidence for the role of riboregulators, either as long non-protein coding RNAs or processed into small RNAs in plant development [87], and these molecules may play a role in seed protein and oil accumulation. Two pairs of genes among the candidates (Table 4) were found...
Wood is a secondary xylem generated by vascular cambium. Vascular cambium activities mainly include cambium proliferation and vascular tissue formation through secondary growth, thereby producing new secondary phloem inward and secondary xylem outward an
Egg deposition by herbivorous insects is well known to elicit defensive plant responses. Our study aimed to elucidate the insect and plant species specificity of these responses. To study the insect species specificity, we treated Arabidopsis thaliana wi