(Hordeum vulgare) plant growth in the lab evaluated the durability of the plant-bacterial interactions when exposed to increased CO2and O3levels while infesting the leaves with cereal aphids (Sitobion avenae) and the soil with beneficial earthworms. Acidovorax radicis N35 boosted plant growth and ...
growth rate of shared mutualistic partners. To evaluate this empirically between colonizing and resident pollinator species, one could measure the quantity of nectar consumed and pollination services provided to shared plants. The effect of pollination services on plant demography would then need to be ...
The standard answer to this difficulty is to repeatedly cross the gene(s) of interest into an elite genomic background via marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC), thereby diluting the poor-quality background until its effects are negligible. Fig. 7 Value of several common donors for disease ...
Cadmium (Cd) is one of the common toxic heavy metals (HMs), having harmful effects on the environment and potential health hazards allied with food chain contamination due to higher mobility, easy integration capacity in ion channels, and prolonged persi
Janthinobacterium lividum, Candidatus Xiphinematobacter and Rhodoplanes were indicator species of different growth stages of alder. While the growth stages of alder has a major independent contribution to the bacterial diversity, its influence on the community composition was explained conjointly by the ...
To answer this, we first examine starch metabolism in source and sink tissues, and its role in plant growth, development, and fitness. Next, we illustrate how changes in sugars and starch can confer a mechanistic advantage under unfavorable conditions, providing examples of associated changes in ...
with the object of identifying common regulatory units. It is also of interest to seek evidence for homologies between terminal physiological changes in different organs, which in turn would begin to answer the question as to whether there is a common senescence program which operates, with variatio...
Interestingly, CCoAOMT was identified as key enzyme that determined lignin content in woody trees such as poplar [36]. Furthermore, the repression of CCoAOMT by antisense led to significant reduction of lignin content of transgenic popular but did not affect normal growth of the transgenic ...
More than half of current coal power capacity is in China. A key strategy for meeting China’s 2060 carbon neutrality goal and the global 1.5 °C climate goal is to rapidly shift away from unabated coal use. Here we detail how to structure a high-ambi
i.e. the exponential growth expected under pure birth model would appear linear here.bParameter estimates indicating the effect size of the temperature control on speciation rates in temperature-dependent models of species diversification (Δ speciation rate). The black dots represent the estimates from...