A. ABA is derived from violaxanthin and is also known as anti GA hormone. B. Ethylene increases the number of male flowers. C. Extrinsic factors like temperature and light control plant growth and development via PGRs. D. GA, is used to speed up the malting process in brewing industry. ...
Auxin is a naturally occurring plant hormone. It is produced at the tip of growing shoots and roots. It is a growth hormone and promotes cell elongation.
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Understanding Essential Elements: Essential elements are those that are crucial for the plant's growth, metabolism, and overall survival. They play specific roles in physiological proce
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are well-known proteolytic enzymes in animal systems and play roles in tissue differentiation, growth, and defence. Although a few plant MMPs have been reported, their exact functions in development and growth remain elusive. In this study, we characterized the promot...
Al is one of the highly abundant elements in the earth crust and under low pH conditions (acidic soils), it is solubilised in the soil in a toxic ionic form that inhibits root elongation. The primary response of plants to Al toxicity is the rapid inhibition of root growth, particularly ...
Cellular differentiation, in contrast, occurs in response to the balance of growth regulators in the culture medium and ultimately leads to organogenesis. This transition involves cell fate decisions and eventual exit from the cell cycle. Both dedifferentiation and differentiation involve changes in ...
Putrescine's impact on the regulation of growth and development has been known for a long time. This compound primarily responds to abiotic stresses by scavenging the free radicals, modulation of ABA levels, preventing lipid peroxidation, and regulating cationic channel activity (González-Hernández et...
(315 and 420 kg N ha−1). In the North China Plain, it was suggested that N addition rate of more than 240 kg N ha−1was not beneficial for wheat growth and production (Si et al.2020). The meta-analysis of Ma et al. (2020) suggested that the optimum N application rate for...
(Carlina acaulis) showed 100% FGP. Intermediate germination was observed in 17.6%, low germination was noted for 6.3%, and 19.6% had a weak germination. Scattered species represented about half of the species (48.6%, Fig.1b), being the largest group in this class. Species from alpine ...
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