Easy Plant is used in the Dynamic Disc precision spaced planter, making it simple to plan and carry out your planting.
TheWUSCHEL-related Homeobox(WOX) genes, which encode plant-specific homeobox (HB) transcription factors, play crucial roles in regulating plant growth and development. However, the functions ofWOXgenes are little known inEucalyptus, one of the fastest-growing tree resources with considerable widespread ...
Definition of plant diseases and pests Plant diseases and pests is one kind of natural disasters that affect the normal growth of plants and even cause plant death during the whole growth process of plants from seed development to seedling and to seedling growth. In machine vision tasks, plant ...
To make the flow acceptable for repeated CT scanning, the effect of X-ray doses on plant growth was evaluated, and 4-D RSA development of an upland rice over 3 weeks was visualized. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a 4-D RSA visualization system for crops, verified with...
MiR159 is conserved in many plants and is involved in multiple growth and development processes of plants. Allen et al. obtained a mir159ab double mutant in Arabidopsis, which showed pleiotropic morphological defects, including altered growth habit, curled leaves, small siliques, and small seeds ...
Because many museums and gardens are well more than a century old and their collections developed early and rapidly, it might be assumed that current collections growth is eclipsed by that resulting from the initial feverish period of collecting during the “Golden Age of Exploration.” Although th...
Cultivating native bacteria from roots of plants grown in a given environment is essential for dissecting the functions of the root microbiota for plant growth and health with strain-specific resolution. In this study, we established a straightforward pr
After a few pumpkins have formed, pinch off the fuzzy ends of each vine to stop vine growth and focus plant energy on the fruit. Pruning the vines may help with space and fruit formation. Pumpkins produce main vines (from the base/center of the plant), secondary vines from the main ones...
these traits capture the essence of plant form and function at the broad scale: a two-dimensional space, with one major dimension reflecting the size of whole plants and its organs, and the other representing a balance between leaf construction cost against growth potential, captures roughly three...
Bacillus firmus I-1582 promotes plant growth and impairs infection and development of the cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii over two generations Article Open access 08 July 2021 Introduction Plant root galls are abnormal root tissue outgrowths that are caused by various parasites, including viruses, ...