Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of WRKY gene family in grain Amaranth(Amaranthus hypochondriacusL.) under salinity and drought stresses TheWRKYgene family plays a significant role in plant growth, development, and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. However, the role of theWRK...
Molecular plant-microbe interactions, plant symbioses, molecular biochemistry, gene expression P. Franken Grossbeeren, Germany E-mail: philipp.franken@fh-erfurt.de Molecular plant-microbe interactions, plant symbioses, plant nutrition, molecular mycology, transcriptiomics P. Fransz Amsterdam, The Netherlan...
Pedimap: software for the visualization of genetic and phenotypic data in pedigrees C++41 MySQLdbCompareMySQLdbComparePublic Compare copies of MySQL db schemas 3 chebi2genechebi2genePublic Python3 jChebi2genejChebi2genePublic Java library to automatically link a chebi compound/identifier to a metabolic ...
DNA methylation, characterized by the addition of a methyl group to the 5th carbon of cytosine, stands as a crucial epigenetic modification with pivotal roles in transposon silencing and gene regulation. The latter often depends on the specific position of the methylated region in regard to the ge...
Plant Developmental Biology)的研究人员在植物尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UDP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase,UGPase)功能研究方面获得了重要进展,发现UGPase在花粉胼胝质(callose)沉淀是必不可少,并且其共抑制会导致一种温敏核不育(Thermosensitive Genic Male Sterility),这一研究成果公布在《Plant Cell》杂志(影响因子11.088...
Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis for Plant Architecture Traits Using Whole Genome Re-Sequencing in Rice Author links open overlay panelJung-Hyun Lim 1 3, Hyun-Jung Yang 1 3, Ki-Hong Jung 2, Soo-Cheul Yoo 1, Nam-Chon Paek 1Show more Add to Mendeley Share Cite...
genome sequence [21] and the development of next-generation sequencing technologies, transcriptome analysis provides a powerful tool to gain insights into the molecular mechanisms of sunflower responses to drought stress. RNA-Seq allows for fully quantitative gene expression analysis with absolute values ...
For rice, gene expression profiling has been performed to understand the defenses against chewing insects such as the fall armyworm [21], sap-sucking insect brown planthopper (BPH) [22], and water weevil [23]. These analyses showed that the defenses against these insects involved global changes...
decrease inflammation, slow the growth rate of cancer cells, reduce the formation of carcinogenic compounds, regulate gene expression and hormones’ intracellular signaling, enhance the immune system, alleviate DNA damage, decrease oxidative destruction of cells, and activate insulin receptors [32,33,34...