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I’ve interviewed farmers, scientists, ecologists, and permaculture designers, but until today I’d never interviewed a plant. A Conversation With Corn J (Jill Cloutier)- Thanks for taking the time to talk with me today. Tell me a bit about your background. Where were you born?… The REA...
I’ve interviewed farmers, scientists, ecologists, and permaculture designers, but until today I’d never interviewed a plant. A Conversation With Corn J (Jill Cloutier)- Thanks for taking the time to talk with me today. Tell me a bit about your background. Where were you born?… The REA...
startyourplant-basedjourneytoday. WhatIsthePlant-BasedDiet, Anyway? Theplant-baseddietisactuallyprettysimple:Itemphasizes whole,realfoodsfromplantsources.So,whenyou’re lookingatyourfoodoptions,whetherthat’satthegrocery storeorinthedininghall,youreallywanttobechoosing ...
It is locally cultivated as an ornamental decoration, as a personal decoration during traditional festivals, as an element of construction and even as a singular edible plant. However, its most unique use is cultural, linked to its administration by the local leaders of different ethnic groups. ...