Plants are multicellular eukaryotes with tissue systems made of various cell types that carry out specific functions. Plant tissue systems fall into one of two general types: meristematic tissue and permanent (or non-meristematic) tissue. Cells of the meristematic tissue are found inmeristems, which...
In the past, observations have revealed that calluses possess the remarkable ability to reinitiate cellular division in previously quiescent cells and undergo structural transformations (Sugimoto et al.2010). Consequently, it was believed that somatic cells, with a predetermined cell fate, could undergo...
1999. The cytoplast concept in dividing plant cells: Cytoplasmic domains and the evolution of spatially organized cell division. Amer J Bot 86:153-172.The cytoplast concept in dividing plant cells: cytoplasmic domains and the evolution of spatially organized cell. Pickett-Heaps J D,Gunning B E,...
While some of the cells of the apical meristem divide to generate new meristematic cells, most of the offspring cells differentiate into specialized cell types that stop dividing and function as a part of the organ in which they were generated. Meristems and Simple Plant Growth Plants have ...
The shoot apical meristem (SAM), a group of cells at the growing tip of a plant, generates all the above-ground tissues of the plant. The SAM is organized into a central zone, composed of slowly dividing stem cells and a peripheral zone, containing more rapidly dividing cells that can ...
(Fig. 1-18). In time, these plantlets fall off the leaf and establish themselves as new plants. InBryophyllum,groups of cells at leaf margins are left undifferentiated to produce these plantlets; in others, seemingly mature cells at leaf margins or leaf surface resume meristematic activity ...
Protoplasts are isolated plant cells that have been deprived of their surrounding cell wall, which makes them easy to genetically manipulate and visualize under the microscope. This technology allowed the team to elucidate some problems more quickly and efficiently than using meiotic cells. Anna V...
As mentioned earlier, a shoot is defined as a stem plus associated leaves, both organ types ultimately developing from a region of actively dividing cells at the tip of the shoot known as the apical meristem (Figure 4.21A–G). One or more ultimate cells of the apical meristem undergo ...
The key to continued growth and repair of plant cells ismeristem. Meristem is a type of plant tissue consisting of undifferentiated cells that can continue to divide and differentiate. Apical meristemsare found at the apex, or tip, of roots and buds, allowing roots and stems to grow in leng...
Primary growth is a result of rapidly dividing cells in the apical meristems at the shoot tip and root tip. Subsequent cell elongation also contributes to primary growth. The growth of shoots and roots during primary growth enables plants to continuously seek water (roots) or sunlight (shoots)...