Browne M (2010) Geodiversity and the role of the planning system in Scotland. Engaging with geodiversity–why it matters. Conference abstracts, Edinburgh, Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Scottish Natural Heritage, British Geological Survey, and the British Society of Soil Science 6. http://...
In 1994 the Scottish Office published a consultation paper on the Review of the Town and Country Planning System in Scotland. As part of the consultation process it was announced that research would be undertaken on development planning. This was commissioned in the autumn of 1996. An interim re...
Drug checking services (DCS) provide harm reduction support and advice to individuals based on chemical analysis of submitted substances of concern. Whilst there are currently no DCS in Scotland, community-based services are being planned in three cities
British Planning Policy In Transition A comprehensive survey of the issue of effective land-use planning policy in the management and practice of town and country planning in England, Wales and Scotland. The text is intended for use on undergraduate courses in schools of pla... A Beer,C Higgin...
Over the last 18 months, discussions have been underway as to whether the planning system can be made even more distinctive and what issues require addressing at a national (i.e. all-Scotland level). A degree of optimism exists in Scotland for the future of planning, including determining ...
If you’ve been following this series, you’ve got a good idea of where you want to go in Scotland, when you’re going, and how much time you want to spend. This fourth piece – how much the trip will cost – is often the linchpin in these plans. I’m just going to lay my ...
Britain has a comprehensive planning system with a strong rhetoric of policies towards these goals. In this paper the authors draw on evidence from recent research, primarily in central Scotland, to assess how far planning actually does make a difference to urban form rather than simply passively ...
The aim of this project is to generate evidence to support strategic cycle network planning in Scotland. Reproducibility: basic To reproduce the basic results in this repository, hosted on GitHub at nptscot/npt, first download and unzip or clone it and then open the ‘npt’ folder in your fa...
This edition has been extensively revised to take into account changes introduced by the Labour Government, and the devolution of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and provides a critical discussion of current issues and problems. It provides an explanation of the nature of planning, the instituti...
This development is the largest standalone BESS approved in Scotland. Image: Apatura Energy. Energy storage specialist Apatura has gained planning approval for a 700MW battery energy storage system (BESS) in Inverclyde, Scotland. Once completed, the Aunchetiber BESS will be Scotland’s largest sta...