Planning ApplicationsReferred to the District Council’s Regulation Committee The following members of this Committee are also members of the Council's Regulation Committee: Councillors Peter Gubbins, Graham Oakes, David Recardo and Gina Seaton.
The use of rapid qualitative methods has increased substantially over the past decade in quality improvement and health services research. These methods have gained traction in implementation research and practice, wherein real-time adjustments are often
Another challenge in real-world applications is that the system must be time-sensitive because time is a continuous variable, unlike in the simulation environment, so the system must process and schedule the agent’s actions in a timely manner so that those actions are still valid when processed...
I think it is very unlikely that private businesses will be accepting government contracts as 5 or 10% of their business any more. This new regulation just imposes too much cost on the other 95% of the business. Many will drop the government contracts. I wonder if this is what is really...
Participants will receive a ‘thank you’ and small unconditional monetary incentive (£10 gift voucher) at 12 months, distributed 2 weeks prior to the follow-up due date. All losses to follow-up, through death, withdrawal, and loss of contact will be fully reported. The schedule of ...
The delivery characteristics of vehicles including type, size, schedule, type of cargo and the loading equipment should be considered in such facilities (Butrina et al., 2017). Fig. 1 illustrates a profile of vehicle types arriving at a CBD building. Small Rigid Vehicles (SRV, expressed in ...
Where local planning authorities set their own fees, or vary from a national fee, they will have to consult and publish their schedule of fees. The Secretary of State will have the power to intervene where it is considered fees are excessive or unjustified. The government will continue to ...
A data management plan has been developed based on the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. Only the research team at the University of Marburg will have access to the collected data. Personal data will be stored on the server at the University of Marburg, password-protected...
Transition plan signed into ordinance/other regulation 13 40 33% Accessibility guidelines adopted 33 40 83% Adopted an updated from 2010 guideline (ADAAG or PROWAG) 25 31 81% Incorporate ADA transition planning into other pedestrian planning 3 40 8% Included a schedule for removing barriers Monit...
It is important to note that achieving universal access to electricity alone will not be sufficient to achieve socio-economic development goals because it demands broader reforms in the macroeconomic environment [39,40], particularly in terms of corporate regulation. Indeed, Sub-Saharan Africa has lon...